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Jaybird 5.0.2 released

We are happy to announce the release of Jaybird 5.0.2.

The following has been fixed since Jaybird 5.0.1:

  • Fixed: Reconnect transaction with a transaction id exceeding 0x7FFF_FFFF did not work (jaybird#734)
  • New feature: add connection property parallelWorkers to set Firebird 5.0 isc_dpb_parallel_workers (jaybird#737)
  • New feature: add MaintenanceManager.upgradeOds() for the Firebird 5.0 gfix/service repair action to perform a minor ODS upgrade of a database (jaybird#738)
  • New feature: add parallel workers support for BackupManager (jaybird#739)
  • New feature: add parallel workers support for sweep in MaintenanceManager (jaybird#740)
  • Fixed: DatabaseConnectionProperties.setServerBatchBufferSize(int) ignored provided value and always set default (0, or “use server-side maximum”) (jaybird#741)
  • New feature: add MaintenanceManager.fixIcu() for the Firebird 3.0 gfix/service repair action “ICU” to update or rebuild collations and indexes when the ICU version changed (jaybird#744)
  • Fixed: The first call to getTableStatistics() of a FBTableStatisticsManager instance returned only a few or even no tables; if no tables were returned, subsequent calls would also return no tables (jaybird#747)

Jaybird 5 supports Firebird 2.5 and higher, on Java 8, 11, 17 and 20 (support for Java 11 and higher using the Java 11 version of the driver).

See also:

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IBProvider v5.29. The initial support of FB4

Hello All 🙂

The implementation of FB4 support requires time. That is why we decided to split this process into parts and make intermediate releases. It will allow you to begin using IBProvider with FB4 right now.


The current support of FB4

  • You can work with FB4 through fbclient.dll
  • You can work with FB4 through a built-in client (dbclient_type=fb.direct). The 13th protocol will be used
  • The long name of database objects are supported
  • All the FB4 datatypes (including new datatypes: INT128, DECFLOAT, time/date with a time zone) are supported at the metadata layer
  • The full support of INT128 and NUMERIC on base INT128 was implemented
  • New initialization properties were added — int128_rulesnumeric_i16_rules

Lots of functional and load tests were made with using FB v4.0.3.2937.

For mission-critical, multi-threaded and 24/7 applications, we highly recommend using the built-in client.

IBProvider Free does not support FB4.

Additional changes

  • The support of DBTYPE_TIMESTAMPOFFSET was added
  • The transformation between {DBTIME, DBTIME2} and {DATE, DBDATE, DBTIMESTAMP, FILETIME} was deleted
  • The transformation of NUMERIC into VARIANT was improved
  • The procession of charset names was corrected

With best regards, IBProvider Team.

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Database Workbench 6.2.0 released

Upscene Productions is proud to announce the availability of the next release of the popular multi-DBMS development tool:

” Database Workbench 6.2.0″

This release brings support for the latest PostgreSQL versions, recognizes Firebird 5 beta, and brings new features in general.

One of the major changes is the new object selection box in the Object Editors: much faster on a large number of objects and it now includes a filter for easier usage.

Database Workbench 6 comes in 3 different editions with different pricing models, there’s always a version that suits you!

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The release of IBProvider v5.28

Hello Everyone!

We are pleased to present this new release of our flagship product. During its development, a number of old problems were identified and solved. Also the internal structure was improved for the next stage of development.


List of changes

  • The keyword list of FB v2.5.9 was corrected.
  • The keyword list of FB v3.0.4+ was corrected.
  • The definition of TIMESTAMP, TIME and DATE in PROVIDER_TYPES was corrected.
  • [DirectFB] The support of protocols v10-v12 was corrected. It solves problems with FB3.
  • [DirectFB] The support of protocol v13 was improved.
  • [ISC API] The protection from negative length of CHAR/VARCHAR datatypes was added.
  • The new initialization property «force_nulls» was added for conducting low-level tests.
  • Lots of internal changes and improvements were made.


  • Our primary test server for load tests is FB v3.11.

The current plans

  • The primary direction of our work is the implementation of FB4 support.

With best regards, IBProvider Team.

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Saturnin (a Firebird Butler Platform for Python) version 0.8.0 has been released, along with packages with core services and SDK.

Saturnin (a Firebird Butler Platform for Python) version 0.8.0 has been released, along with packages with core services and SDK.

Saturnin can now be considered as early beta. There will be more additions, extensions and improvements before the 1.0 release, but the platform is almost feature-complete, and the functionality provided is considered stable and ready for testing. However, some backwards incompatible changes in future releases are still possible.

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Firebird 5.0 beta 1 is out!

Firebird Project announces the first Beta release of Firebird 5.0, the next major version of the Firebird relational database, which is now available for testing.

This Beta release arrives with features and improvements already implemented by the Firebird development team, as well as with many bugfixes. Our users are appreciated giving it a try and providing feedback to the development mailing list. Apparent bugs can be reported directly to the bugtracker.

Beta releases are not encouraged for production usage or any other goals that require a stable system. They are, however, recommended for those users who want to help in identifying issues and bottlenecks thus allowing to progress faster through the Beta/RC stages towards the final release.

Please read the Release Notes carefully before installing and testing this Beta release.

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