Firebird Advent Calendar 2014
Very nice idea Firebird Advent Calendar 2014 (Japanese)
Very nice idea Firebird Advent Calendar 2014 (Japanese)
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Upscene Productions announces the release of: “Advanced Data Generator 3.3.0″ |
A fast test-data generator tool that comes with a library
of real-life data, can generate data to your database,
SQL script or CSV files, many filling options, presets and
much more.
If you develop database applications, you need data for testing purposes!
Version 3 included many new features, eg:
This product comes in four versions:
For more information and a trial download, see the news @ Upscene Productions, pricing information is available.
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Upscene Productions is proud to announce the availability of the next release of the popular multi-DBMS development tool:
” Database Workbench 5.0.6 “
This release fixes a few MySQL related bugs and introduces new functionality for Firebird 3.
“There is so much new in Database Workbench 5, I don’t know where to start”, says Martijn Tonies, founder of Upscene Productions. “This release adds code editor features, has diagramming improvements, comes in multiple editions, is fully HiDPI aware and offers tunneling for MySQL and MariaDB connections. It all was a lot of work, but it was worth it!”
“We worked closely with out customer and implemented many of their requests and for new users, we offer multiple editions to suit their development needs. From design to productivity, there’s new features and improvements in almost everything!”
New features in version 5 include:
For more information, see What’s new in Database Workbench 5?
Database Workbench supports MySQL, MariaDB, Firebird, Oracle, MS SQL Server,
SQL Anywhere, NexusDB and InterBase, comes in multiple editions and is licensed based on selectable modules.
It includes tools for database design, database maintenance, testing, data transfer,
data import & export, database migration, database compare and numerous other tools.
About Database Workbench
Database Workbench is a database developer tool, over 10 years in the making and
is being used by thousands of developers across the globe who have come to rely on it
every day. From database design, implementation, to testing and debugging, it will aid you
in your daily database work.
About Upscene Productions
Based in The Netherlands, Europe, this small but dedicated company has been providing
database developers with useful tools for over 12 years. Slowly expanding the product portfolio
and gaining recognition amongst InterBase and Firebird database developers, they now offer
tools for a whole range of database systems, including Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server.
Mr. Hartmann wrote on his blog
Last week, I posted a story about my interaction with a software developer who uses FireBird (FB) as a back-end for their software. The short version is that they left FB’s settings at default and were using a really, REALLY old version of FB. This caused the application to have massive (18 minute) load times and hang the entire server, with just one client connected. Bellow (in the article) are the changes I made to increase overall performance of the application and server.
News via Patrick Pierson‘s blog
I found this link on reddit under /r/sysadmin. Josh Hartmann has a customer that had slowness issues with a database server. Josh contacted the developer and every time the developer’s response was to add more hardware to the problem. After some investigation he found a few issues with the developer’s setup of the server, fixed it and now his customer is happier then ever. Here is his write up, great stuff.
In the 9th Firebird Developers Day, we collected donations to sponsor the enhancements of the Firebird wire protocol, to optimize the speed of communication in high latency networks (aka. internet). Dmitry Yemanov implemented the optimizations that were finally available for public testing with the release of the Firebird 3 Beta 1, a few days ago.
So, I decided to test the improvements. I set up a Windows remote server running FB 2.5 and 3.0 (beta1 and beta2), and used a database with a single “customers” table containing real life data (7,000 records and 61 fields). For the tests, I also created a second table with the same data, but in this one, the fields containing nulls were filled with random chars and numbers up to its size limit.
The test itself is very simple: retrieve all the fields from the first 5,000 rows from the tables, using isql (directing ther output to disk, since stdout is too “slow” and affects the results in a bad way), and check the time taken to do the fetchall. Each test was run at last twice (in sequence, filling the cache, etc), and the lowest value obtained was used for the comparison.
You can see the results below, and it is very promising! Thanks Dmitry and also Alex Peshkov (who implemented the zlib compression).
PS: There is one weird case where FB 3 was slower than FB 2.5. I already reported this do Dmitry, and he is investigating.
A full article (in portuguese) about the tests is available at FireBase. Thanks for Fernando Pimenta who “donated” the remote server for my use.
Update: Dmitry just sent me more information about the case where FB 2.5 got better performance than FB 3:
Actually, the problem is in the default batch size, not the new code itself. With all fields filled up to their max length, the protocol message size is quite similar between v2.5 and v3, the difference is less than 5%. But v3 always sends 8 packets at once while v2.5 may send 8 to 16 packets at once, depending on the message size. In your particular case, the batch size should be ~12-13 packets. This explains better performance of v2.5.
I need to find a way to adapt the new batching algorithm to better match the old one in such border cases.
Update 2 (21-jan-15): In a recent email exchange, Dmitry told me that he was able to fix the “problem” causing FB 2.5 to have better performance in that specific single case.
The Firebird project has released Security Updates for the currently maintained 2.1.x and 2.5.x versions (v2.1.7 and v2.5.3 SU1). These updates fix a recently discovered security vulnerability (CORE-4630) that may be used for a remote DoS attack that could be performed by unauthorised users. We recommend Firebird users to upgrade as soon as is practical.
Here you can check Firebird 3.0 Debian package progress
Damyan added quite a few changes compared with version from 3 years ago
News via Brent Rowland:
Rails activerecord-fb-adapter v0.9 includes a major overhaul courtesy of Ray Zane. 20x more tests now pass.
Update : now is pushed to rubygems