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Firebird – where we stand and where we go

The virtual session that Dmitry Yemanov gave last year in the 11th Firebird Developers Day is now publicly available in YouTube.

The audio is in English, and there are subtitles in PT-BR available. In this video, Dmitry talks about the most recent developments done in FB 3, comment about the reasons for the delays of the releases, what we can expect for the future, etc.

Obs: Please note that the session was recorded in August/2014.

Watch it now in YouTube.

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Firebird for Android is coming

shell@hwH30-U10:/data/local/tmp/firebird/bin $ ./isql employee
Database: employee
SQL> show version;
ISQL Version: LI-T3.0.0.31567 Firebird 3.0 Beta 2
Server version:
Firebird/Linux/ARM (access method), version “LI-T3.0.0.31567 Firebird
3.0 Beta 2”
on disk structure version 12.0


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CopyCat Developer 3.7.1

Microtec is pleased to announce the release of CopyCat Developer version 3.7.1!

CopyCat Developer is a Delphi components library encapsulating a database replication engine with support for Firebird, Interbase, MySQL, MS SQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLite and NexusDB. For more information, please refer to our site: http://www.copycat.fr

The changes in this release are as follows:

– XE7 support

– Major performance and memory management improvements of big logs. Instead of loading the whole list of changes to replicate into memory at once, it is now streamed in row by row.

– The UPDATE OR INSERT statement is now used in FB 2.1+, in order to reduce the number of statements needed and thus optimize performance.

– Internal changes enabling the use of prepared queries during replication, thus again dramatically improving performance.

– Improved performance of TCcConnection.GetFieldType

– Fixed a memory leak that caused problems with long-running replication cycles.

– Fixed a bug in the millisecond handling in Firebird.

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