Installing Firebird Ruby driver on Windows 10 x64

Install firebird 2.5.4 x64 with fbclient copy to system dir (checked).
Install rubyinstaller 2.x x64
Download Devkit for ruby 2.x (x64 – 64bits only)
unzip it in C:\rubydevkit
open cmd.exe in start->run
cd rubydevkit
run ruby dk.rb init and ruby dk.rb install to bind it to ruby installations in your path.

Then gem install fb will go without issues after compilation.
After that you can install rails 4.2.x and ActiveRecord Firebird Adapter.

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Firebird 2.5.4 uploaded to Debian Unstable

firebird2.5 ( package is uploaded with the following changes:

* move firebird.msg from firebird2.5-common to libfbclient2, under /usr/lib
Closes: #782842 — firebird2.5-common: firebird.msg is
* Imported Upstream version
+ update copyright information (added a file and a directory)
+ drop upstream/r58859-arm64.patch (released upstream)
+ drop out/fb_guard-lock-permissions.patch (applied upstream)
+ drop upstream/r60322-remote-crash.patch (released upstream)
+ drop upstream/r60322-remote-crash.patch (released upstream)
+ refresh five patches to apply cleanly
* link fbguard with dl, it uses at least dl_close

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Jaybird: dropping support for older Java versions

Mark Rotteveel wrote :

Jaybird 2.2 currently supports Java 5 and up. When I planned Jaybird 2.3
(now 3.0), I was planning to continue to support Java 6 with Jaybird
3.0, and drop support with Jaybird 3.1. However I have decided to change
that decision.

Java 5 has been end of public updates since October 2009 and Java 6 has
been end of public updates since February 2013. Java 7 itself is end of
public updates since this month (April 2015). See the Oracle Java
End-Of-Life policy at:

Jaybird 3 is taking longer than I anticipated; I hope to have a beta
ready in Q3 2015, but this really depends on available time.

With this in mind, I have made the decision to make the following changes:

Starting with Jaybird 2.2.8, Jaybird 2.2 will no longer support Java 5,
and I will only release builds for Java 7 and Java 8 (I will maintain
Java 6 compatibility for the 2.2 branch, so people can compile their own
version if they really need it).

Jaybird 3.0 will *not* support Java 6. For the time being I plan to
support Java 7 and 8 (and probably also Java 9). Depending on the final
release date of Jaybird 3.0, Java 7 support might still be dropped.

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