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20º Firebird Developers Day

Exclusive for Brazilians:

Está aberta a pré-venda para o 20º FDD, que será realizado de forma presencial no dia 21 de outubro, em Piracicaba – SP. O FDD é o maior evento de Firebird do mundo e acontece anualmente no Brasil há 20 anos!

As 100 primeiras inscrições receberão gratuitamente a versão impressa do novo Guia de Migração para o Firebird 5, produzida exclusivamente para o FDD!

Mantivemos os mesmos valores de inscrição do ano passado, sendo que na pré-venda você paga o valor mais barato. Para se inscrever, faça o login no site da FireBase! Se já estiver logado, vá direto para a página de inscrição clicando aqui.

Inscreva-se agora e garanta sua edição comemorativa impressa do novo Guia de Migração!

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Firebird-driver 1.9.0 released

The firebird-driver package provides official Python Database API 2.0-compliant driver. In addition to the minimal feature set of the standard Python DB API, this driver also exposes the new (interface-based) client API introduced in Firebird 3, and number of additional extensions and enhancements for convenient use of Firebird RDBMS. The driver is written as pure-Python package (requires Python 3.8+) on top of Firebird client library (fbclient.so/dll) using ctypes. Driver supports Firebird version 3.0 and higher.

You can download this driver from PyPI or install it using pip.

This version intruduces initial support for Firebird 5.0 new API and features.

See the Changelog for full details.

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New features in Firebird 5, Annual General Meeting, elections, and a bit of Firebird history

In this video we discuss the new features of Firebird 5 with Dmitry Yemanov (core developer, RedSoft), Jason Wharton (IBObjects, Temporary Secretary of Firebird Foundation) and Alexey Kovyazin (IBSurgeon, Firebird Foundation Comittee member), then we announce elections during the Annual General Meeting.

In the end of the video Jason, as one of the founders of Firebird Foundation, remembers how everything started.

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Firebird to CSV

Firebird to CSV converter is a free program to export Firebird or Interbase databases into comma separated values (CSV) files. The program has high performance due to direct reading of the source database and writing into CSV files. Firebird to CSV converter does not use ODBC or any other middleware. Command line support allows to script, automate and schedule the conversion process.


  • All versions of Firebird and Interbase are supported
  • Fast conversion engine (100MB database – in less than 5 minutes on average modern system)
  • Option to convert individual tables
  • Option to select separator: tab, comma or semicolon
  • Option to store conversion settings into profile
  • Command line support
  • Easy-to-use wizard-style interface
  • Full install/uninstall support
  • Unlimited 24/7 support service
  • Freeware
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Firebird External Table Generator (ext-table-gen) 1.0 released

I am happy to announce the release of “Firebird External Table Generator” (ext-table-gen for short).

“Firebird External Table Generator” is a commandline tool to transform RFC 4180 CSV files to Firebird external table files (a binary format for external table data).

External tables are a good way for bulk-loading data into Firebird. Unfortunately, external tables use a fixed-width binary format, and not (more) standard formats like CSV. It is not always easy to create an appropriate external table file, and this is where ext-table-gen can be used.

At a high level, ext-table-gen provides the following features:

  • Derive a CHAR-based external table definition (i.e. a CREATE TABLE statement and a configuration for ext-table-gen) from a CSV file
  • Transform a CSV file to an external table file (either based on the CSV file itself, or based on a configuration file)

The current version only supports CHAR columns, which makes the generated file essentially a fixed-width text format. Future versions may introduce support for additional column types.

You can find the 1.0 release at ext-table-gen v1.0.

Documentation and release notes can be found on https://mrotteveel.github.io/ext-table-gen/.

The project itself is hosted on https://github.com/mrotteveel/ext-table-gen.

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IBProvider v5.30. DECFLOAT and improved connection pool [FB4]

Hello Everyone.

In the current release, we have continued expanding the support of Firebird v4.


New features

  • The full support of DECFLOAT(16) and DECFLOAT(34) has been implemented
  • The new version of IBProvider supports the ICU v63 from FB4 kit
  • Using «ALTER SESSION RESET» for resetting a connection before reusing (see this new example)

Kind Regards and Good Luck! IBProvider Team.

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