Updated Free IBProvider supporting Firebird v3 and InterBase XE7.

Hello everyone!

We decided to improve functionality of the free version of OLEDB provider for Firebird and Interbase. Now it supports all current versions of InterBase and Firebird including IB XE7 и FB v3!

«Free IBProvider» is based on «IBProvider Professional Edition» and inherits its key features like reliability, performance and workability.

Main specifications of the Free IBProvider

  • Compiled in VS2013 Community Edition
  • Support of all Firebird versions
  • Support of all Interbase versions
  • Query pool support
  • Connection pool support
  • DTC support
  • ODBC query support
  • Support of asynchronous data download
  • Support of multithreaded applications
  • Support of the replacement of the provider’s CLSID and ProgID components
  • Localization of error messages and UI
  • And much more!

In addition, you can use «Free IBProvider» together with «LCPI ADO.NET Data Provider for OLE DB»!

Read the full text of press release here – http://www.ibprovider.com/eng/news/n_150520__free_ibprovider_for_fb3_and_ib_xe7.html

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Wireshark Firebird dissector – call for contributors

I am a Wireshark developer and I was perusing the Wireshark bug list and came across an unsubmitted patch to the existing Firebird dissector (https://bugs.wireshark.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=3749). It was rather old, so it didn’t apply cleanly, but I tried to take the principles of the patch and apply them to the current Firebird dissector (which doesn’t look like its really been modified for functionality since its inception). I’m otherwise unfamiliar with Firebird, but tried to briefly peruse the source to try to complete as much as I could given the capture file also supplied with the bug report. The patch I came up with has been submitted (https://code.wireshark.org/review/8494/).

This is an open invitation/offer for help in bringing the dissector more up to date/complete. Many of the fields for commands are present in the dissector, but currently commented out (I’m presuming because the original author may not have been sure of the message format). I think the format/API used in the dissector is fairly straightforward (if someone here just wants to take a shot at it), but I’ve also been doing Wireshark development for a few years and it has become second nature. The two biggest issues are “dissecting a response” (especially across multiple packets) and captures to verify functionality against. Again, if someone can help me more quickly interpret the “protocol” code in the Firebird source, I’m willing to do the development on the Wireshark side.
Thank you for your time,

Michael Mann

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Firebird Tour 2015 reminder

We invite all Firebird developers and administrators to 1-day seminar in the frames of Firebird 2015 Tour.  Firebird 2015 Tour is devoted to the SQL performance optimization:  SQL plans, queries and database statistics, queries tuning techniques, etc.
Firebird 2015 Tour is organized by IBSurgeon and  IBPhoenix, with support of Firebird Developers core team.
Locations and dates of Firebird 2015 Tour (see details in the link below):
  • May 19 – Prague, Czech Republic
  • June 5 – Moscow, Russia


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Database .NET 15.5 released

Database .NET is an innovative, powerful and intuitive multiple database management tool, With it you can Browse objects, Design tables, Edit rows, Export data and Run queries with a consistent interface. (Full support for Firebird 1.5~3.0)

You’re welcome to download it from http://fishcodelib.com/Database.htm
Free, All-In-One, Portable, Single executable file and Multi-language.

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Lazarus Tutorial : Creating, editing, and searching a Firebird database, printing a report, stored procedures and ClientDataSets

In this Lazarus Tutorial

We describe the planning of a simple database, the setting up of the Firebird DBMS, the creation and populating of a database and then ways that you can access it by different applications to query the data. Written reports are an essential feature of most databases. We demonstrate the use of the LazReport component in the section entitled Creating and Printing a Report.

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Installing Firebird Ruby driver on Windows 10 x64

Install firebird 2.5.4 x64 with fbclient copy to system dir (checked).
Install rubyinstaller 2.x x64
Download Devkit for ruby 2.x (x64 – 64bits only)
unzip it in C:\rubydevkit
open cmd.exe in start->run
cd rubydevkit
run ruby dk.rb init and ruby dk.rb install to bind it to ruby installations in your path.

Then gem install fb will go without issues after compilation.
After that you can install rails 4.2.x and ActiveRecord Firebird Adapter.

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