PHP 7.0.0 Alpha 2 Released
The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 7.0.0 Alpha 2. This is the second pre-release of the new PHP 7 major series. All users of PHP are encouraged to test this version carefully, and report any bugs and incompatibilities in the bug tracking system.
ADO.NET provider for Firebird is ready
Last week to subscribe to FDD paying less
For the Brazilians…
Essa é a última semana para se inscrever no Firebird Developers Day pagando menos! A grade de palestras já está fechada, confira agora mesmo no site e se inscreva!
Lembrando que na véspera do evento, teremos uma MasterClass sobre otimização de performance, com Dmitry Yemanov e Alexey Kovyazin. Confira as informações sobre a MasterClass e se inscreva aqui.
Firebird Illuminate package for Laravel 5 updates
node firebird driver node-firebird 0.6.6 is released
New release for node-firebird fixes minor issue #70 :
Fix date parameter overflow :The used formula can result in negative time value (e.g.1938-12-29T17:00:00.000Z gives negative time) . In this case we need toadjust both date and time.
CopyCat Developer 3.8.1
Microtec is pleased to announce a new release of our database replication engine, CopyCat Developer !
CopyCat Developer is a set of Delphi / C++Builder components providing customizable replication for Firebird, Interbase, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, NexusDB, SQLite, PostgreSQL and Oracle, including heteogenous replication between different database types.
Have a look at our site for more information :
This new release includes the following improvements:
LINBIT Launches Next-Generation High Availability Solution with DRBD9
LINBIT, the leading provider of Linux based storage replication and disaster recovery, has announced the general availability release of its DRBD9 software. Developed to provide end-users, OEMs and ISVs a powerful tool to build redundant, highly scalable and flexible storage architectures, LINBIT’s new DRBD9 is the first replication design capable of connecting 30 nodes in real time to ensure data availability from multiple locations – even when disaster strikes.
node-firebird 0.6.5 released
New release for node-firebird fixes minor issue #69 :
Don’t try to read from an empty buffer
In some cases getSegment can get an empty (undefined) buffer which result to InternalError: "Cannot call method 'readUInt16LE' of undefined".
PHP 7 alpha1 with Apache on Windows (VC14 builds)
If you want to test apache with php 7 on windows here are the links
The firebird extensions are there, as you can see in