Firebird 3.0 beta 2 is tagged
Firebird 3.0 beta 2 is tagged and it will be released very soon
You can check the release notes for Beta 2 an try a Firebird 3.0 snapshot
Firebird 3.0 beta 2 is tagged and it will be released very soon
You can check the release notes for Beta 2 an try a Firebird 3.0 snapshot
Python Firebird driver fdb version 1.4.9 released
With a few fixes:
News via ibphoenix
Contributed R&D from Elekt Labs – Improved Firebird engine RLE for record compression
News via ibphoenix
This is a fork of the Firebird FDB module It has been modified to bundle a copy of the fb embedded server libraries so it can be used stanalone without a separate installation of firebird database.
The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 7.0.0 Alpha 2. This is the second pre-release of the new PHP 7 major series. All users of PHP are encouraged to test this version carefully, and report any bugs and incompatibilities in the bug tracking system.
For the Brazilians…
Essa é a última semana para se inscrever no Firebird Developers Day pagando menos! A grade de palestras já está fechada, confira agora mesmo no site e se inscreva!
Lembrando que na véspera do evento, teremos uma MasterClass sobre otimização de performance, com Dmitry Yemanov e Alexey Kovyazin. Confira as informações sobre a MasterClass e se inscreva aqui.
New release for node-firebird fixes minor issue #70 :
Fix date parameter overflow :The used formula can result in negative time value (e.g.1938-12-29T17:00:00.000Z gives negative time) . In this case we need toadjust both date and time.