Last the day to subscribe for FDD
Today is the last day to subscribe online to the 12th edition of the Firebird Developers Day, which will happen in Piracicaba-SP, Brazil, in 08-August.
Today is the last day to subscribe online to the 12th edition of the Firebird Developers Day, which will happen in Piracicaba-SP, Brazil, in 08-August.
Article By Helen Borrie :
One of the PSQL treasures coming with Firebird 3 is the ability to write scalar functions in procedural SQL.
Here are the instructions to configure systemd for Firebird 2.5.4 Classic
tarball distribution package from
Jaybird 2.2.9-SNAPSHOT, a pre-release version for testing purposes, contains an experimental new feature: use isc_tpb_autocommit in auto commit mode (JDBC-399). |
JRuby is Released.
ActiveRecord Firebird adapter for JDBC and JRuby should work without issues.
Firebird Autocommit (isc_tpb_autocommit) is implemented in firebird jdbc driver Jaybird
Jaybird wiki is moved to github . Here is the new url