kfb updated version with Report function
kfb.0.2a is the updated new version ready to ownload from the project’s page : http://sourceforge.net/projects/kfb
You can choose kfbprj-0.2a.tar.bz2 or kfbprj-0.2a.tar.gz and the MUST-README-2a.txt
It has 2 major add-ons, changes, and bugs-fixing.
1. chnage libibpp.so to libkfb_ibpp.so
2. add kfb-ncreport function with libkfb_ncreport.so
( included libqsqlibase.so of different builkey)
kfb.0.2a will now search different Firebird engine path when starts,
rather than /opt/firebird/ only. For example, it will also
search for /usr/lib/firebird/<version?>/
If you have installed more than 2 Firebird engines, kfb wiil pop out
an input-window and ask you to type in ONLY ONE FULLPATH to the engine
you want to use with kfb. (but this function is also
limited/restricted by the kfb-ncreport function, as the reporting
function requires a libfbclient.so in /usr/lib/, not required by kfb,
but by QIBASE: “libqsqlibase.so”)
The kfb-ncreporting function is based on another open-source program
at: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ncreport by Norbert Szabo
The original author has done a lot on ncreport to work on other
database engines. My contribute is to modify it to work with firebird,
and integerated it closely to kfb, taking the most out of kfb’s “save
table to file” function.
On both Main TableGrid and ISQL user-interface TableGrid there are
“TextSource” button, (different than “save table to file”) which will
save any displaying data in the TableGrid to a text file as the data
source file.
That’s to say as long as you can retrieve data from any table/view,
or from ISQL user interface by using SQL command, and dispaying them
on the TableGrid, you can make a Report based on them.
(kfb has prepared many methods to create/modify/changed/port
There are some ready-made examples in directory templates, copy all of
them to /tmp/, including the xxx.png files. Those 2 examples are base
on employee.fdb.
Now you have 2 wqays to get a report
1 dynamic report by connecting directly to Firebird database.
Each report can be different depending on the current data in
the database. There is only a report format file to define how
the report looks and works, while the real data are all in the
2. fixed report based on a text data source file made from a
displaying table.
There are 2 files for this kind of report: one is the report
format file,another one is the text data source file.
Unless you make a chnage in the text data source file otherwise
all report will be the same, no matter how the database changes.
All report data are black-in-white in the text file, so it is
fixed. Useful as a history record.
(detailed instructions will be given later)