#Debian 6.0 stable released with Firebird 2.1.3 included
After two years of squashing bugs Debian 6.0 Squeeze is released , in the new version Firebird 2.1.3 is included that is considered quite stable and supported for development if you don’t use the new features from 2.5. Here is the guide for installing it on Debian stable systems from official repository.
Hey, ReleaseCandidate3 is there too, but not findable on packages.debiang.org due to a transient problem with the site.
dam@nose:~$ apt-cache policy firebird2.5-super
Installed: (none)
Version table: 0
990 http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/ squeeze/main i386 Packages
Maybe we should add 2.5 final to backports
Could you upload final to testing so i can request that the next ubuntu 11.04 to be released with a stable version and not rc