if you can’t connect to localhost with firebird2 rc1

Problem is the installer for firebird 2.0 rc1 currently changes permissions on /etc/services file to 600 and permisions need to be 644.

This has been posted on Firebird Devel List and is patched.
I will repost it here so others have less problems finding it.

REPOST FROM Firebird Devel List

bazaar-vcs – alternative when sf.net cvs/subversion servers are down

Just when I was just starting to get comfortable with svn, along comes bzr.

Centric CRM Version 4.0 Released with firebird support added

Centric CRM is a mature, fully featured, Java-based, Web-delivered CRM with leads management, contacts, pipeline, accounts, quotes, campaign management, project management, document management, help desk, reports, employee, and admin modules.

Release focus: Major feature enhancements

IBPhoenix Share Issue

Since IBPhoenix is a UK Ltd company – it has a right to issue shares to potential investors in the company, I have been contemplating this for quite a while, and wondered if there would be any interest out there for Firebird users, companies etc that would like to become shareholders in IBPhoenix? There are a number of reasons for thinking about this…

CVS repository

If you want a fresh copy of firebird but can’t because the problem of
the anonymous CVS, you can download the whole FB CVS tree at:

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