Category: Worth Reading
Content not direct related to FB, but interesting reading.
Firebird ADO.NET Provider – article
Recently I [Hugh Ang] have installed open source database Firebird and its ADO.NET provider. I was really impressed and thought this would definitely be my choice of database for future personal projects. I did run into a few things though.
updated firebird articles on – Stefan Heymann’s web site
Various updates to Firebird articles for Firebird 2.0. New Articles about INSTREG, INSTSVC, ISQL, Firebird 2.1
INSTSVC – Installing Firebird as a Windows Service
Use INSTSVC to install or deinstall Firebird as a Service on Windows systems. This will install the Firebird together or without the Guardian service.
Firebird Core Engine Development – Activity report for 2006/2007
Developer Progress Reports for Core , DSQL , INTL & Security/Linux Builds (POSIX)
C#, nHibernate, Firebird…
Note to Readers: First article of this type ever by this author so proceed with caution and without any guarantees.
Log Buffer #24: a Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs
Welcome to the 24th edition of Log Buffer, the weekly review of the database blogosphere.
phpBB it worth the wait?
article by By Justin Silverton
Today, I decided to install it on one of my development servers to find out if it really is worth the wait.
HowTo install Firebird in Slackware Linux
Firebird Japanese documentation translation preparation
An guide on how to prepare for building firebird documentation intended for Japanese translation
[ED: there are very good posts about firebird in his blog , he was present at FDD and Firebird conference]