Category: Worth Reading
Content not direct related to FB, but interesting reading.
Progress on kinterbasdb 3.3 – xmas present
The initial version of kinterbasdb v3.3 was committed to subversion
(trunk). It’s basically v3.3 by David Rushby + fixes to v3.2 line we
made to make it work with FB 2.1. Source tarball and windows binaries
for fb 2.x & python 2.5/2.6 for testing should be available soon. Now
I’m working on documentation as this version introduces some important
new functionality (above all support for multiple transactions per
connection). I’ll also check the transliteration issue. If everything
would go smoothly, you can expect the final release before Christmas 😉
best regards
Pavel Cisar
Firebird DDEX for VS2008
How to install Firebird database engine and DDEX extension for VS2008 step by step…
Flamerobin + Firebird 2.1.1 on Windows7
I have tested the firebird 2.1.1 classic and flamerobin 0.9 on an Windows7 system
The setup went this way Next Next Next without issues
Ubuntu announces ARM port – Firebird port ready
Firebird Gets the Eye of the Sphinx- full-text search engine
Sphinx is a very powerful and popular free open source full-text search engine. A few days ago, Sphinx was released. Vlad Khorsun and Pierre Yager made a patch for Sphinx to support Firebird. Their patches and Windows binary are available to download and try out.
It’s an great search engine used a lot in the LAMP world So now for example if you create and phpbb site with firebird back end , you can use sphinx for indexing and fast search. Another idea is : use it to index the whole database if you have large quantities of text and you need to search for keywords (an movie comments database for example)
The Firebird Project is now using FishEye – blog mention
Firebird mention on the Attlassian blog
The Firebird Project is already using JIRA for their Firebird RDBMS Issue Tracker. And now it’s even easier for developers to search, share and keep up to date with the Firebird Project using FishEye.
[ED: I like how the branches are presented in an good graphical way Also you can watch the changes for Firebird 2.5.x or the head for example ]
Cathedron+Firebrid = Winners of RAD Race 2008/2009
The combination of Cathedron and Firebird competed and won two times: this year and in 2004. During the 14 hour race a team of two people solve a realistic business problem.
The productivity during the race is about 10 minutes per function point. In large software companies the best projects require 6 to 10 hours per function point. This implies a 60 times higher productivity during the race. When the extreme conditions of the race are normalized and you triple the amount of time to fine tune and test the deliverables, the productivity is still 5 to 10 times higher.
The combination of Cathedron and Firebird allowed the team to rapidly create and change the basic application and the underlying database. During the 14 hour race over 70 small modifications where made to a database containing valuable test data! 99% of those changes were handled by Cathedron simply by changing the data model.
Cathedron can be downloaded from and is free for personal and educational use. Although the tool and documentation are still under development, the core features such as information/data modeling, (default) screen generation and the embedded Pascal scripts have been used in production environments for over 8 years.
Firebird, PHP, and CentOS 5
I (Dan Wilson) put together the procedure I used in order to get native and PDO firebird support working with PHP and CentOS 5. I was unsuccessful using the FAQ at, and couldn’t find any other tricks on the web that worked. So, I compiled from a fedora source RPM as follows