JbConsole 0.2.0 released

JbConsole is a Firebird console tool. I have tested with Jython 2.5b3 and Jaybird 2.1.6 .
(java 1.6 on Windows XP and java 1.5 on OS X 10.5)
It’s still toy level, but it seems to be sample implementation of Jaybird and Jython.

See the screen shot

ED:Translated with google , I like his words about Jython

Swing and Java (JVM) I fast. 驚いた。 I was surprised.

Iron Man Blogging Challenge – Start Blogging about Firebird

The idea is simple and i took it from this site . This is how we can make firebird database known to the world , If the press ignores us , we don’t ignore them .

In order to promote the Perl language, and encourage more people within the Perl community to promote the language to the world outside the Perl echo-chamber, Enlightened Perl is pleased to announce the Iron Man Perl Blogging Challenge.
The rules are very simple: you blog, about Perl. Any aspect of Perl you like. Long, short, funny, serious, advanced, basic: it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t have to be in English, either, if that’s not your native language. To stay in the Iron Man Challenge, you must maintain a rolling frequency of 4 posts every 32 days, with no more than 10 days between posts.

Kevora IDE for Firebird

New QT based IDE for Firebird Kevora

Recently, Kevora also supports Firebird or Interbase access. Despite this database does not have schemas, Kevora will place all objects below a “virtual” rdb$relations schema.

The tools we use to produce Kevora are:

    * Qt Creator or QDevelop.
    * Qt Designer.
    * Qt Linguist.
    * GCC compiler and g++ (on Linux).
    * MinGW (on Windows).
    * InstallJammer or BitRock InstallBuilder for Qt.
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