HowTo Show time after execution in isql after a query

Claudio answered to a “new feature” request

This command exists in all Firebird versions:
SQL> set stats on;
SQL> select 1 from rdb$database;


Current memory = 10135512
Delta memory = 164708
Max memory = 10263380
Elapsed time= 0.11 sec
Buffers = 2048
Reads = 12
Writes 0
Fetches = 157

Elapsed time is the time the query needed to complete. Run it a second time and the elapsed time is only 0.02 seconds because metadata is already loaded.

FB Scanner presentation

IB Surgeon published a slide presentation about FB Scanner, a great product that intercepts the traffic between Firebird <-> Clients and allow you to see what is going on (works with any FB version).

Se você está no Brasil, não deixe de conferir o preço especial do FBScanner na loja on-line da FireBase.

Implementing Web-based master data management for Firebird in #Django #Python

Thomas started a new blog category dedicated to Firebird/Django and he is already impressed about it .. And he really contributed back to the backend

Although not being a Python Geek, I gave Django a try, and I must admit, I’m impressed on how fast one can build a simple web-based master data management application with it. It’s pretty much defining an Django object model, which represents the tables, fields and relationships in your database. By enabling Django’s auto-generated admin site/area based on this model, this is all you need to access, delete, insert and update data in your database.

FirebirdNews – Now integrated with OpenID, etc.

Now, if you have an account with Google, OpenID, Yahoo or Blogger, you can login and post comments to FirebirdNews without the need to create a local account! This simplifies a lot the login/account handling process, and I hope we will start to see much more comments to the posts!

To use the new feature, just click the “log in” link (at the SideBar “Meta” section) and choose what provider you wanna use.

If you already have a local FirebirdNews account, sign-in using your local username/password, edit your profile, and use the option to link your local account to any of the supported log-in providers, and you are done!

FirebirdNews – adding interactivity

I have updated the FirebirdNews site with two new WordPress plugins, allowing people to reply comments, and vote for posts. Both options are very easy to use, and probably you already noticed how to use them 😉

The intention is that FirebirdNews readers also participate/interact with the site. Go on! Vote for your preferred posts, and don’t hesitate to post comments if you think you have something to say!

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