Category: Worth Reading
Content not direct related to FB, but interesting reading.
Performance issues on #Intel CPUs vs #Amd ones
Alexander Peshkoff wrote on Firebird-devel
One of our users, GLDS, has found that firebird 2.5 (64-bit mode) runs on some
very simple tests 2 times slower compared with firebird 1.5. I’ve checked it
on my box and could not reproduce a problem. Afterwards it became known that
my box is amd, in GLDS – intel.
Therefore I’ve decided to compare different versions on different CPUs.
Performance tests showed, that firebird 1.5 runs on them with more or less
same speed (therefore it’s very convenient for comparison). But firebird 2.5
runs really runs on intel almost 2 times slower, than 1.5(and therefore 2
times slower than on amd). What else required explanation – why do we not
have this performance issue under windows.
[ED: seems that was an NetBust/p4 core with HT on that had these performance issues]
Docbuilding Howto updated
The Docbuilding Howto has been updated.
A warning and a workaround have been added regarding the problems that can occur if you check out the manual module into a path that contains spaces or other non-alphanumerical characters.
For a complete list of changes (this is especially important for translators)
see the Document History (Revision 1.6):
Firebird and Flamerobin in the #fedora 12 release notes
In the Applications Databases section from release notes on Fedora core 12 we can see the new Firebird and Flamerobin packages for it
Creation of a Travel Control System with Firebird in #Delphi
Original article is in Portuguese, Google Translatation is here
Planning for Firebird V3.0 has started:
You can read the proposed changes and responses on firebird-devel :
Physical ODS Changes for ODS 12
System Catalog Additions for ODS 12
Embarcadero official Delphi Survey
If you are a Delphi user, this is the chance to make Embarcadero listen to your needs. Just fillĀ this (big) survey. BTW, Firebird is mentioned there.
The Firebird Commandline Utilities book has been split into separate manuals.
The Firebird Commandline Utilities book has been split into separate manuals.
Firebird’s gsec User Management tool (html)
Firebird’s gfix Database Housekeeping tool (html)
Firebird’s gsplit Dumpfile Splitting tool (html)
Firebird’s Shell Script tools (html)
Establishing a data connection for page
With Visual Web Developer, from Microsoft you need to follow these steps
Firebird 2.5 architecture comparison sheet
Firebird 2.5 architecture comparison sheet is available via this blog
This is based on Dmitry’s presentation and some private discussions
For another good overview you can read Douglas Tosi blog