Last week for submitting artwork for the contest
This is the last week for submitting artworks for the Firebird’s 10th anniversary logo contest. We already have 18 submissions! Check the contest page to see the samples.
Content not direct related to FB, but interesting reading.
This is the last week for submitting artworks for the Firebird’s 10th anniversary logo contest. We already have 18 submissions! Check the contest page to see the samples.
New presentation “Firebird Mythbusters”
Use it for competitive talks to crush the most annoying myths around
Gentle reminder – we still need localized versions of MindTheBird
presentation “Firebird Intro” and “Why Firebird”.
Best regards,
MindTheBird Team
We already have 9 submissions for the 10th anniversary logo contest. Hurry up! Deadline for submissions is 15/March.
David Elias wrote on django-firebird-dev group
about his backend changes to make Django 1.2 work with Firebird
We received the first artwork for the FB 10th anniversary contest!
Keep it coming! The contest page will be updated from time to time to include new submissions.
To support MindTheBird (global Firebird 2.5 release) campaign, FirebirdNews is running a contest for logo/artwork to celebrate Firebird’s 10th anniversary! The winning artwork may be used in sites, banners, gifts, etc. all around the world. There is a prize of USD 500 for the winner author!
Get all the details visiting the contest page. Also, help us spreading the new about the contest to all Firebird community and graphics designers list!
PS: Just to be clear, we do not want a new Firebird logo, we need an artwork using the currently logo and indicating the celebration of the 10th anniversary.
Time to start the global community activation campaign about Firebird 2.5 release! Help to spread the word, join MindTheBird now, and let’s put Firebird under the IT media spotlights!
Adriano dos Santos Fernandes created a code_swarm of the firebird2 tree.
Repairing broken Firebird database can be sometimes a bit difficult. The official tools (gfix and gbak) not always can help you so you will have to find ways to transfer data from broken database into another fresh and clean one.
There are some tools that can help you
As part of the ongoing effort to improve the reliability, availability of the project resources. The servers are being relocated into a high availability cluster, the outage should last no more than 4 hours.
Thanks for your understanding
Sean Leyne