Converting a #MySQL database to Firebird Part1 (from Lamp to Flaps)

Milan Babuskov wrote on his blog about his first steps in moving one host from Mysql to Firebird

I have a heavy-used website powered by LAMP stack (CentOS Linux,
Apache 2, MySQL and PHP). It started on a shared hosting so I had to
use MySQL. Year and a half later, I switched shared, virtual hosting
and not run it on a dedicated server. I decided to try Firebird to see
how it performs and also how it compares to MySQL in RAM usage, disk
usage, etc.

Little helper library for writing #UDFs for Firebird in #Lua

Helper C library for writing UDFs for Firebird in Lua (as well as a small collection of useful UDFs). The Firebird UDF interface would hopefully be obsoleted in Firebird v3.0 and replaced with the new External Engine API. Until then, I hope you find this little library helpful. Any feedback is welcome and appreciated.

For tips on how to write UDFs for Firebird yourself, read UdfWritingTips.

PS: If writing UDFs in Lua seems overkill, checkout the other UDF library written in freepascal.

Artur Anjos will be with Paulo Gaspar presenting The Firebird #Database talk at #codebits2010

please retweet this message

and here are the full  details of the talk  very impressive :The Firebird Database: simple, free and powerful

Artur Anjos, a Firebird Project member, finally registered himself on Codebits in order to share this presentation.
Artur is with Firebird almost since the project started and has more than 8 years of production experience with it.

gbak running in embedded mode

матрациThose who are new to the Classic version of Firebird on Linux may find interesting that, while running gbak to backup a database, accessing the DB file locally (not by tcp/ip, etc), you will not find a fb_inet_server proccess serving the gbak connection. This is because, in this specific situation, gbak works in embedded mode. Alex Peshkov says this provides the best performance results.

How to increase Firebird backup and restore speed (up to 30%)

It seems that many Firebird developers and administrators are not aware about  command line switch -se[rvice] for gbak.exe

-SE[RVICE] <servicename>

This switch causes gbak to backup a remote database via the service manager. This causes the backup file to be created on the remote server, so the path format and filename must be valid on the remote server. The servicename is currently always the text service_mgr.

here is the rest of the article in Eglish

also there is an Italian mention in blogosphere

Remember to participate on 3d Russian Firebird Conference in Moscow

3d Russian Firebird Conference will take place in Moscow, September
29, 2010. The conference will be devoted to the Firebird new versions
and to best practices in maintenance and development, with special
focus on big Firebird databases.

Special speakers at conference: Phillipe Makowski, President of
Firebird Foundation, Firebird developers team: Dmitry Yemanov, Vlad
Khorsun and Alex Peshkoff.
Registration (in Russian):

With google translate (Almost English)

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