#Ruby news : Firebird driver compilable on #rbx (rubinius) and full test passes on Linux (for the classic Ruby VM)

Here is the description of rubinius:

Rubinius is an implementation of the Ruby programming language.
The Rubinius bytecode virtual machine is written in C++, incorporating LLVM to compile bytecode to machine code at runtime. The bytecode compiler and vast majority of the core classes are written in pure Ruby.

Here are the rbx experiments done by Brent Rowland

fb now builds fine but won’t load due to missing rb_ary_freeze and rb_struct_new. #rbx


And yes the Linux tests for classic Ruby VM are all ok

Linux testing of the latest fb code went well. 32- and 64-bit Rubies

#Delphi , #Lazarus : UIB 2.5 is optimized to fully exploit Firebird 2.5

There was no major release since a long time,but the project has always been maintained for 7 years now.
In honor of the new version of Firebird, I decided to release this new version of UIB in 2.5.
There have been many changes to support Unicode for Delphi 2009 to XE.
UIB is optimized to fully exploit Firebird 2.5.


ps: if you don’t know what UIB is ,  here is the description (archive.org link)

current page for UIB is https://github.com/hgourvest/uib


Firebird 2.5: The Real and The Only alternative to #MySQL

The Firebird 2.5 article is in Italian language
And here is the translation (with highlights from Firebird 2.5 press release)

l progetto Firebird ha da poco annunciato il rilascio della versione 2.5 del suo database relazionale opensource.

Le novità di questa release sono abbastanza interessanti ma ovviamente gli sforzi maggiori sono stati fatti per migliorare l’affidabilità, le performance e la scalabilità del database. Philippe Makowski, presidente della fondazione non-profit Firebird Foundation ha dichiarato che il rilascio di Firebird 2.5 è un passo importante sia per il progetto stesso, visto che cade in questi giorni il suo decimo anni di vita, che per l’intero mondo opensource.

D’altronde, come dargli torto: la comunità sta cercando ormai da un bel po’ di tempo un degno sostituto di MySQL che, nonostante i proclami di Oracle, pare sempre più lontano dall’iniziale predisposizione all’opensource. “Molti nostri clienti utilizzano senza grossi problemi database Firebird che spaziano dai 200 ai 400GB”, ha dichiarato Stewart Sping, CTO della Watermark Software. “I miglioramenti delle performance di Firebird 2.5 permetteranno sicuramente di raggiungere risultati ancora più entusiasmanti”. Firebird 2.5 è disponibile sotto forma di pacchetti binari per piattaforme Windows e Linux a 32 e 64 bit. Maggiori informazioni e download sono disponibili su questa pagina

Starting SC/CS on Linux

Alex Peshkov posted some more (interesting) info about this in fb-devel list:

The only difference between [starting] classic and superclassic is different server binary to start – classic is started by fb_inet_server (started by xinetd) and super – fb_smp_server, started by fbguard, started by /etc/init.d script. You can remove fb_smp_server, fbguard and startup scripts – and you will get poor classic package. To get superclassic package – remove fb_inet_server and xinetd startup file, and slightlychange install script.

Must say that this is anyway not a longterm solution. Since 3.0 we will not have separate packages – single package will serve all needs, including SS, and choice of operation mode will be done using firebird.conf.

Firebird Sql 2.5 for #Apple #MacOSX is out, Minimum supported version is 10.6 Snow Leopard

NOTE :: To make the new engine work properly under multi-threaded conditions we had to use Grand Central Dispatch, which was first released in MacOSX 10.6 (Snow Leopard). MacOSX users should be aware that Firebird 2.5 will run only on MacOSX 10.6 or higher versions. If you want to use an earlier version of OSX you will need to use an earlier version of Firebird.

Download from usual location :


How to run SuperClassic on Linux

Firebird 2.5 brings a new architecture called SuperClassic. The official FB 2.5 Linux packages brings SuperClassic and Classic in the same package, and when you install it, Classic will be activated by default.

To be able to change to SuperClassic, you need to run the script changeMultiConnectMode.sh that is installed with FB 2.5.

You will be prompted with: “Which option would you like to choose: multi-(process|thread) [process]”

Answering thread will activate SuperClassic, while process will activate Classic mode.

PS: This is not documented in the Release Notes.

Firebird 2.5 (final) released

Today the Firebird 2.5 is being released. You can read the press release and most importantly release notes. And sure, you can download it and use/test/deploy.

Congratulation to us, the Firebird Project, especially the core team. And also to you, users, I hope you’ll enjoy and like the new Firebird 2.5 version as we (I) do.

Note: The MindTheBird campaign team will run a webinar today at 13:00 GMT in anticipation of the launch of Firebird 2.5 Final Release. See the details.

I quoted  from Jiri blog

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