Firebird usage with SchemaSpy – Java based Graphical Database Schema Metadata Browser

On devshed firebird forum someone asked if anyone used SchemaSpy with firebird , and later he got it working , here is the command line option (after installing jaybird.jar)
1) Download the ZIP file for jaybird
2) unzip it
3) Copy the file jaybird-full-2.1.6.jar into a convenient directory
4) specify the full path to the .jar file when starting schema spy

java -jar /home/java/schemaSpy_5.0.0.jar -t firebird -db /var/lib/firebird/2.1/data/employee.fdb -s schema -u SYSDBA -p ******* -o /home/firebird/ -port 3050 -host localhost -dp /home/user/jaybird-full-2.1.6.jar

ps:that is a single line

Firebird used on a site with 1 Million users / day

Q:What kind of system is this? .The response is on Firebird-support

Monitoring software with also web access by many many users ~1 000 000
They do something which need transaction and some select(reports) which “not need” transaction
but in transactional database select also start short transaction then i can not remove it creation..
1 000 0000 x 10 queries per day i got 10 000 000 transaction+ system self generate 8 000 000 transaction per day (to
storing/updating/computing.. data)
and Forced Writes are ON but database work on some not mechanical device like normal HDD and corruption is reduced to minimal possible but this transaction counter do may problem :/

Karol Bieniaszewski

#Perl DBD::Firebird fork progress

DBD::Firebird is registered in perl cpan’s module list and soon we will upload the first tar.gz release (when is considered stable enough)

Until then the module is hosted in github and can be used and tested :

Stefan has improved the Windows support also fixed many tests , here are some of the commit messages:
Improved support for MinGW, added support for ActivePerl, Removed some obsolete tests, All tests, now use and Test::More (except 60leaks.t)

Habarisoft announces FireAlarm open source monitoring for the Firebird #RDBMS

Today Habarisoft announced the start of the FireAlarm project, a monitoring solution for the Open Source RDBMS Firebird.

FireAlarm checks Firebird servers for high load situations, caused by software failures or denial of service (DOS) attacks, and helps developers or database administrators to detect performance bottlenecks. It is written in the Java programming language and released as open source.

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