Jason Wharton talks about FBConference 2011


I would just like to report to the IBO community that the Firebird Conference in Luxembourg was a great success. There were over 60 people in attendance and the sessions I attended were all very good. It’s amazing what is being done with Firebird and what is coming in the future. Things are looking very good. The IB Objects session was well attended and it felt like some useful things were learned even by some of the long-time customers. If anyone is interested, the entire session was recorded. I can see about getting permission to put it up on YouTube or to post an MP3 download of it on a file sharing site. Send me a private email.

I think most of the fun we had was getting a personal contact with all the people we rub cyber shoulders with every day. Hopefully in the future there will be more people to come and attend.

I would like to stress the importance of everyone who uses Firebird to consider being a member of the foundation. Your opinions truly matter and your financial contributions are an investment in Firebird’s success. All of those who develop Firebird are awesome people. I really enjoyed getting acquainted with them personally. I wish for them to have the means to be compensated financially for their efforts in Firebird. It could be a significant and justified temptation for them to get hired away from their efforts. The best way we can keep their brilliance and talent solely dedicated to Firebird is to give it the resources to secure their interests.

I am working on an idea to give a discount to all those who are members of the Firebird Foundation so if you have some ideas please let me know. I would like to be a strong supporter of Firebird as best I can so I am looking for ways to accomplish this.

Kind regards,
Jason Wharton

Source: http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/IBObjects/message/45720

Firebird + EXT4 + barrier 1/0 + FW ON/OFF

Philippe Makowski did some TPC tests and posted the results at fb-devel:


I’m a bit puzzled by the results I get I made test on Fedora 16 with Kernel 3.1.1-1.fc16.x86_64 on LVM2 Logical Volume of 10G

Firebird 2.5.1 Classic

hdparm  /dev/vg_tests/testfb
multcount     =  0 (off)
IO_support    =  1 (32-bit)
readonly      =  0 (off)
readahead     =  8 (on)

hdparm -Tt /dev/vg_tests/testfb
Timing cached reads:   12976 MB in  2.00 seconds = 6496.46 MB/sec
Timing buffered disk reads: 174 MB in  3.02 seconds =  57.53 MB/sec

database : 1,8G
created with -w20
and buffers 1024

Episode 1: Fishbowl Database Security Basics (application that uses Firebird)

Here are the security notes for an application that uses Firebird:

Another thing to keep in mind while securing your database: sometimes when we release new versions of Fishbowl, it upgrades your database to a new version, as well. When this happens, Fishbowl makes two different backups. One is a copy of the database; the other is a Firebird database dump. I like to call these the “Murphy’s Law backups” because you shouldn’t need them, and you won’t need them – until you don’t have them. They are created for rollback purposes during the upgrade. Leaving these unprotected is just as bad as leaving your main database unprotected. You can find these files in C:\Program Files (x86)\Fishbowl\database\data – inside the “old” and “backup” directories.

Case Study: Moscow City Hospital

Take a look at the new case study published in the FirebirdSQL site. Interesting that they choosed Firebird over Oracle, and cost was not the only factor. Worth reading!

There are other case studies published in the site. Make sure to read them all, and if you have an interesting case to show, contact the moderator to know how to publish it there.

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