Resolving Firebird performance problems (presentation)
Presentation from Firebird Developers Day 2012 is online
Content not direct related to FB, but interesting reading.
Presentation from Firebird Developers Day 2012 is online
Here is the example explained in Spanish :
select dateadd(second, 1255033470, cast(’01/01/1970 00:00:00.0000′ as timestamp)) from rdb$database;
Here is the bug with more info on how to help.
This bug needs to be fixed so we can replace Java-based HSQLDB database engine with Firebird in LibreOffice Base.
Adriano just posted on his twitter:
I need help to validate Firebird 2.5 on big-endian machine. Please run this test and report back the result. Thanks!
Here are the Fulvio Senore’s tips to work with embedded with no password on all platforms : Linux, MacOsx and Windows
Question of the day is asked on LinkedIn Firebird group and there are quite a few interesting answers
Firebird on virtual servers anyone? I am aware that some IT depts are using virtual servers and I wonder if anyone here has experience of FB on this type of configuration.
From Henri Gourvest wrote on google plus :
I am working on a firebird driver for node.js, this driver don’t need firebird client library and works on all platforms. Anyone interested ?
Via Jiří {x2} Činčura blog:
Database triggers are a nice new feature added to Firebird in version 2.1. And as you can do a lot of stuff with them, sometimes you also might wanna to connect without firing these, especially if you made a mistake there and it’s forcibly closing your connection. To disable these, standard Firebird utilities have a new switches. But it boils down to the API itself, nothing magical.
And if it’s in API, it could be FirebirdClient, right? In last few days among working on other bugs and my daily responsibilities I had a time to dig into this. And now also from .NET world we can use this feature.