Flamerobin switch from SVN to Git is complete
Check the instructions from sourceforge to clone the flamerobin repository from git
Content not direct related to FB, but interesting reading.
Check the instructions from sourceforge to clone the flamerobin repository from git
Please add your Skills & Expertise > Firebird if you have a Professional CV hosted on LinkedIn
This release just fixes issues with 0.9 to make it work on Python 3.x
Download link:
Documentation is now updated daily from svn on Read The Docs
ps: for pip users
sudo pip install –upgrade fdb
Target for next (1.0) release: Firebird ARRAY support
After uploading files in the previous example into database, now we need to download thouse files:
After the first book now translated to English : Start programming using Object Pascal Language
I’ve released my second book about FreePascal/Lazarus/Object Pascal.
Book title is Second step with object pascal. In Arabic “الخطوة الثانية مع أوبجكت باسكال”
You can download this book from here http://code.sd/secondstep
The book also contains a lot of sample applications written in Lazarus.
1. Memory
2. Files management
3. Relational Databases : Firebird SQL
4. Web Applications
5. Socket programming
Please vote on this survey if you agree to Firebird to become more popular in Php/Python world and to be added to the XAMPP package
The news is on slashdot Mysql is becoming slowly a closed source product.
This is the time and opportunity for firebird to grow and to become more well known , We knew from the past articles that Mysql decline will happen but it will take years (Old bad habits die hard)
News via (Brent Rowland) tweet:
Tis code wasn’t doing anyone any good sitting on my hard drive. https://github.com/rowland/go-fb Warning: Incomplete
In this next installment, we’ll be looking at two (arguably very contrasting) databases. The first is Gladius DB, which is a flat file database written in pure PHP. The second is Firebird, another database veteran, which has features similar to some of the better-known databases, such as Microsoft SQLServer.
So with that, let’s get going.
The article is on dzone too