4 key distinctions of the new IBProvider v3.4 that make your applications faster
4 key distinctions of the new IBProvider v3.4 that make your applications faster:
Please read details here: Firebird driver become faster
4 key distinctions of the new IBProvider v3.4 that make your applications faster:
Please read details here: Firebird driver become faster
This package is neither part of unstable nor experimental. This probably means that the package has been removed (or has been renamed). Thus the information here is of little interest … the package is going to disappear unless someone takes it over and reintroduces it into unstable.
An interesting story and discussion on ZDNet:
If you’re taking software free and buying support from elsewhere, the guys who built the program can’t eat, unless they find a way to get a rake-off from the support team’s revenue. Which isn’t going to happen. Or start charging you directly for their code updates, which might.
It would be interesting so see ideas discussed there apply to Firebird in any way.
I find it amusing that people still protest at times on IRC and the mailing lists that “PostgreSQL [is not|should not be] competing with MySQL”. The argument being that we should focus our energies on Oracle and MS-SQL customers ….
Read more on Greg’s Postgres stuff [Yah there is an firebird mention ]
Dear [debian] mentors, I am looking for a sponsor for my package “ibpp”.
Job for the weekend : Add Stored Procedures To Firebird Database
Another interesting one is about crypting stored procedures in Firebird.
Keep your eye on the Firebird related jobs
Please also report broken links to the osswin-users mailinglist, and if you really like this list and want to keep me motivated, then just send me something from my wishlist or my wanted computerparts list
Cheers,Bart Vandewoestyne
Marina won the contest and she is now in Bali .There are many other journal/blog entries on the site (nice pictures too)
ps: we hope we contributed to her winning . Who wants to go next ?
And we are growing , if you have something to say related to firebird please contribute
We have to reach 100K pretty soon , then 1M visitors
Another way to help is to spread the word , Link us on digg.com or any other sites (slashdot, linuxtoday, osnews )
or put an firebirdnews button on your own sites (we need more friends sites)
Devrace have recently acquired Metadataforge company (SQLHammer project) and will immediately start selling the product. Read details in the press-release.