Spiceworks – Firebird + Php database driven RAD

An interesting RAD for Firebird and PHP with screenshots

If you are looking for a RAD tool for PHP & you love the Firebird database engine then perhaps you would consider supporting us in the endeavours of this project.

All your PHP source code resides in a Firebird database and can be used across multiple projects. In fact this website is running on the Spiceworks engine. If you want a complex development tool or a simple CMS system then Spiceworks will probably suite your needs. Best of all it runs in your favourite browser. We intend to support Firefox, IE & Safari.

RedDatabase is included in Linux XP

Here is the translated article :
Companies SafeLine and corporation «Ed Software» announce that RDBMS Red Database 2.1.1 works correctly on OS Linux XP Desktop Enterprise Edition.

Tests were conducted to verify the compatibility of OC Linux XP and RDBMS Red Database, as very relevant to modern realities of solutions built on open source code. Both products are being developed and will be accompanied by the Russian team of developers, which creates certain advantages for users: You can not only solve current problems of the client, taking into account its industry, but also to minimize its further development costs and support information system.

The core of Red Database DBMS built on the basis of one of the most famous and popular in the world of open source database – Firebird 2.1, which is used in the decisions of various sizes, and consistent with worldwide industry standards for quality, reliability and security.

New IBProvider allows comprehensive work in Unicode applications, enhanced work with NONE encoding, and supports charset markers.

New IBProvider v. RC3

  • All the detected problems that prevented comprehensive work with Firebird and Interbase from UNICODE applications have been eliminated.
  • Supports charset markers in SQL queries.
  • Supports exclusions processing when working with Interbase and Firebird via ADODB.
  • Supports working with database object names containing national symbols for connections with NONE charset.
  • Enhanced work with metadata schemes when working with database via NONE charset.
  • Advanced testing allowed detection and elimination of errors.
  • ISO8859_15 charset support.

Please read details on the Firebird driver homepage.

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