Category: Tools & Products releases
Announcements of new Firebird related products, or new releases.
New version of Firebird Config tool
A new version ( of Firebird Config tool has been released. Changes and downloads can be found here, and resumed as:
- Support for parameter OldSetClauseSemantics of Firebird 2.5.
- Added SpinEdits where the value must be numeric.
- Added some new options in preferences on the environment.
TurboPhp is now OpenSource (with firebird support)
The visual development tool for PHP web applications written in Delphi
See the new project page, download the source code, check the Wiki, and start developing!
The example is great and simple like in Delphi, I have seen this news via ExtPascal group
php5.3 drivers for firebird and pdo on centos 5.3
Here is the install guide for php5.3 and pdo on centos 5.3 using the remi/epel repositories ,
Now the remi repository can be used for Fedora 10 also
Sinática Monitor 2.0 for Firebird
I’m glad to announce the availability of Sinática Monitor 2.0 for Firebird.
You may download it right now and read about what’s new in the 2.0 series.
Firebird packages for Fedora, Centos, RHEL
It’s official now, Philippe Makowski is the maintainer of Firebird packages for Fedora and Epel (Centos and RHEL packages) and Firebird packages get pushed into Fedora repositories.
Here is the guide for Centos5.3 you must enable the epel-testing for centos
# rpm -Uvh
This is done by editing the /etc/yum.repos.d/epel-testing.repo file (installed by the previous rpm command) and changing the first “enabled=0” to “enabled=1”.
php5.3 drivers for firebird and pdo on Fedora 10/11
Please PHP users tests this repository for fedora linux 10/11 also for Centos 5.3
if you find bug, report here :
IBO “roadmap”
After a long “winter”, Jason Wharton (IBObjects author) has posted in IBO support list his plans for the next IBO releases. Check it out:
I just released a new beta version of IBO. I put it in all file areas this time.
Mostly I just finished up converting the rest of the packages I had not yet converted to D2009 and I fixed a couple of the bugs on my plate. The goal of this version is to make the legacy version of IBO work in D2009 but much will remain to make it work as ideal as it should.
As soon as I knock out the remaining bugs I plan to fix and get the installer working for D2009 I will start working on IBO 5. It will be overhauled to work exclusively with Delphi 2009.
I will continue to merge fixes into the 4.x branch of source for all those not using D2009.
So, essentially, I have determined it will be best to maintain two separate source bases from then on. One to support prior versions of Delphi and one to focus on all future versions of Delphi that is extensively overhauled. Of course I will have to put together some kind of an application migration kit as well for when you want to make the jump from 4.x to 5.x.
I’m open to comments and suggestions.
Jason Wharton
“InterXpress for Firebird” v2.2.0 released
“InterXpress for Firebird” is our driver that supports Borlands
dbExpress technology! Today we release version 2.2.0 of our driver,
this version includes support for Delphi 2009 and extended support
for widestring/UTF8 data.
You can download a copy of it
Currently supported are Delphi 6, Delphi 7, BDS 2006, Delphi 2007,
RAD Studio/Delphi 2009, Kylix 3 and C++Builder 6.
What’s fixed, new and changed? Check it out here:
version 2.2.0 changes
version 2.1.0 changes
Firebird 2.1.2 in Mandriva 2009.1
Here is the bug request for inclusion but it was already fixed in Mandriva 2009.1