Firebird django backend call for testing help and progress

The call for an extra hand for testing people who are python/django experts the code is already in svn :

I’m Maximiliano Robaina (maxirobaina) and I’m working on the django-firebird backend implementation. The original google project, started by Ivan Illarionov, was deprecated because he hasn’t any time to port it to django 1.x
The django db backend has many changes, therefore, the Ivan version don’t work any more.
For this, I upload my django-firebird version which is compatible with django 1.1 beta-1., Firebird 1.5 and Firebird 2.x
The next step (for me) is to replace the svn version with my code and reorganize the repository (I will need some help for it)

Are you interested in continuing to participate on this?

If the answer is yes, plase contact to me to coordinate.


In an related blog to new django backend release from the nagami blog :
Once, I wrote Django firebird backend
But it is not good work on Django subversion trunk today. (Target is moving !)
So I catch it up. ( Thanks Maxi )
I hope it works on Django 1.1 release.

New IBProvider version with enhanced Firebird 2.5 support

New IBProvider Professional version has appeared.

Following changes were implemented:

  • Commands cancellation support in Firebird 2.5 and Interbase 6.5.
  • Support of new data type SQL_NULL in Firebird 2.5.
  • Access to BLOB fields from ADOExpress (dbGo) bug was fixed.
  • New implementation of result sets cache.

Detailed release description and code samples of the Firebird 2.5 implemented features available here: IBProvider RC4

About FB support in Delphi Weaver

The first session was a “state of the art” keynote by David I, of Embarcadero Technologies. He covered the status of the company (the new owner of Delphi, since the event last year) and its the commercial offering, but delved also in the Delphi Roadmap announced recently (at the San Jose conference, as covered by this blog), demononstrated gesture support in a Delphi Weaver application and also the new Firebird native dbExpress driver. This is the first time this was shown in public, as far as I know.

Read full post in Marco Cantu blog.

How to Query the Firebird Fisheye

Now in Firebird Fisheye you can create queries on the source code repository
For example here is how to get the changes with “Misc” comments

select revisions from dir /firebird2/src where (is head and comment matches “Misc”) group by changeset return path, revision, author, date, csid

Firebird DTP Plugin for Eclipse

After a request on the Firebird-Java mailinglist, I [Mark Rotteveel] offered to work on creating support for the Firebird database in the Eclipse Data Tools Platform.

Embarcadero Tools and FB

I’m at Delphi Day 2009 , naturally in Italy. This morning I follow an introduction session held by David Intersimone. And after some slide finally he asnwer me a last year question: “when you will support firebird?”

I saw some slide from Rapid SQL and other Embarcadero tools where there is a new item:


He showed us how connect to a fdb, insert, list, delete data with a simple grid+dbnavigator in delphi….

I suppose this is a good news!… or not?…

Codebue Fabio

PowerConsole 0.7 is released

I’m happy to announce the public release of PowerConsole v0.7.

What is PowerConsole
In short, PowerConsole is enhanced python interpreter that can host user defined commands. Uses pyparsing-based grammars for user commands to translate them into python calls, so it has limited support for mixing them with Python code.

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