SqueakDBX now supports Firebird

We are glad to announce that we now support Firebird as backend. The good news for us is that it just took 4 hours to get it working and even with the 100% of the tests in green.
OpenDBX supports Firebird since a lot of time but we didn’t have too much time to try it. I wanted to “give a hand” to Norbert generating all dlls for each new release. I didn’t have ever used Firebird neither Sybase. So, I started with Firebird and now it is working like a charm.

Read more

FSQL 1.8.2 released

Some changes in the latest version (FSQL v1.8.2, 2009-12-10):

bugfixes: RESTORE command, SHOW INDEX command, SHOW PROC command, executing DDL with AUTODDL OFF
some minor improvements and bugfixes that I do not remember 🙂
support for FB2.5
new commands NBACKUP, NRESTORE
commands for managing users via services API now prepended with SVC_MGR, to distinguish them from built-in FB commands.

Firebird client library to the Lua language


I’d like to announce the first public release of fbclient, a binding of the Firebird client library to the Lua language, that is, a collection of pure Lua modules that allows you to connect and execute queries against the Firebird Relational Database.

Project website: http://code.google.com/p/fbclient/

Firebird Data Wizard 9.12 released

Firebird Data Wizard SQL Maestro Group announces the release of Firebird Data Wizard 8.4, a powerful Windows GUI utility for Firebird data management.

Firebird Data Wizard provides you with a number of easy-to-use wizards to convert any ADO-compatible database to the Firebird database, import data into
Firebird tables, export data from tables, views and queries to most popular file formats as well as generate data-driven ASP.NET pages for your Firebird database.

New version features:

  • Data Import: now you can import data from XML, Microsoft Office Excel 2007 and Microsoft Office Access 2007 file formats along with Microsoft Office Excel 97-2003, Microsoft Office Access, CSV, DBF, and Text files supported in the previous versions.
  • Data Export: support for Microsoft Office Excel 2007, Microsoft Office Word 2007, OpenDocument Spreadsheed, and OpenDocument Text file formats has been implemented. Also now it is possible to select the result file encoding.
  • Data Pump: the conversion rules for fields and indexes become more intelligent, so starting with this version most of source databases from well-known DBMS can be transferred even with default settings. Also the speed of data transfer has been significantly increased.

There are also other useful things as well as versions for other DBMS (MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, PostgreSQL, etc). Read full press release.

#Django firebird driver project news

Hello everyone, I want to make a summary of the changes implemented in
recent times about the project django-firebird:

    * More complete exception error messeges (ported from pre-django 1.0
    * Added a new attribute to obtain the version of Firebird. Useful to
    ensure compatibility with firebird 1.5 and 2.x
    * Implemented the proper support for data conversion. (Issue 8)
    * Fixed bug on with_limits parameter on FirebirdQuery.as_sql. (Issue 9)
    * Fixed bug on autoinc implementation (Issue 3)
    * CHAR is mapped to CharField now (formerly TextField) – (Issue 6)
    * NUMERIC/DECIMAL are mapped to DecimalField now (formerly Integer) –
    (Issue 6)
    * Correct interpretation of RDB$FIELD_SCALE for NUMERIC/DECIMAL fields –
    (Issue 6)
    * Correct consideration of is_null behaviour at field level – (Issue 6)
    * Correct FOREIGN KEY evaluation in get_relations() – (Issue 6)
    * Support for UNIQUE indices for UNIQUE – (Issue 6)
    * Clean and better source code organization.

Remember, this software is still in alpha version, use it at your own risk.

Feel free to try and make any comments on this subject.
We need to add more experience with django and firebird to resolve some
issues. Any help will be apreciated.



Performance of the new IBProvider increased by 4.5 times

We are glad to announce the release of new IBProvider Professional v3.0.0.7866.

IBProvider works 4.5 faster than the former versions.

In the new IBProvider version, we removed the cause of low performance of IBProvider builds compiled in Visual Studio. Now these builds work several times faster in both single-threaded and multi-threaded applications.

According to the test results, new IBProvider Professional v3 works 4.5 faster than the former versions.

Performance comparison graph here.

Other features

  • We fixed the error related to the queries pool
  • New component LPCI.IBP.Samples.RowCursor – the faster substitute for ADODB.Recordset

Source Fiebird driver homepage.

Firebird available in major linux distros

From Philippe Makowski , in fb-general list:


Finaly OpenSuse 11.2 is out.
It is the first time that Firebird is in official OpenSuse repositories.

After Mandriva (2010.0 is very nice), Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora (and RHEL/Centos Fedora project repositories) : OpenSuse
All major free distro have now latest Firebird stable version (2.1.3) available in their official repositories.

Enjoy …

Database Workbench 3.4.2 released

Upscene Productions is proud to announce the next
version of the popular database development tools:

” Database Workbench 3.4.2 “

This release includes the Pro and Lite Editions.

Version 3.4.2 includes bugfixes in addition to the
new features in previous versions.

Changes Highlights in 3.4 and previous versions
– NexusDB v3 support
– Many diagramming improvements
– Better Stored Routine Debugger
– Ability to cancel import/export processes
– Monitoring GUI for Firebird 2.1
– Ability to cancel running queries in NexusDB, SQL Anywhere and Firebird 2.1
– Stored Routine debugger for SQL Anywhere
– Many new features, enhancements and bug fixes…
… and much more …

Download a trial for the Pro Edition or FREE Lite Edition at the downloads page.

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