#python 3 api for firebird is updated to version 0.3.0
Python 3.0 dbapi for firebird rdbms is now updated http://bit.ly/bg1jQf , you can check the commit history and re-tweet
Announcements of new Firebird related products, or new releases.
Python 3.0 dbapi for firebird rdbms is now updated http://bit.ly/bg1jQf , you can check the commit history and re-tweet
I have updated the guide and the repository for Ubuntu Maverick to include the Firebird 3.0 Pre Alpha
This is just the upload from debian experimental is and is really prea alpha (so it’s only intended for testers)
Please report any problems you may encounter. The packages should be installable right away (and automaticly remove any existing firebird2.x ones)
Firebird .NET provider team is proud to announce next version of ADO.NET provider for Firebird – 2.6.0.
Do you want to enable execution of SQL scripts in your programs and spend less time for exhausting coding?
Do you want to create a table, a generator and a trigger, to add data to the table, to make data selection and then to delete all this in one command? For example:
set autoddl on;
set transaction;
create generator GEN_ID_TEST_TABLE;
create trigger BI_TEST_TABLE for TEST_TABLE
before insert
insert into TEST_TABLE (text) values('record 1');
insert into TEST_TABLE (text) values('record 2');
set term !!;
select * from TEST_TABLE!!
set terminator ;!!
set autoddl off;
drop table TEST_TABLE;
drop generator GEN_ID_TEST_TABLE;
Now it is possible with new IBProvider! IBProvider v. allows to run a command with several SQL queries (SQL scripts).
Read more right now:
Know how to add execution of SQL-scripts for Firebird and Interbase in your programs!
Right to the FireBird Conference starting tomorrow in Bremen we uploaded a new version “adhoc 20101111” of FreeAdhocUDF.
There are some importend bugfixes, expanded functions, 11 new functions (totally now 551!) and new support for InterBaseXE 32 und 64bit.
This is a recommended update.
FreeAdhocUDF is the the first (and still the only?) UDF-library with UTF-8 and UNICODE-FSS support.
FreeAdhocUDF is licenced under the LGPL and you can use it without costs also in commercial projects – see licence.
You can download it from ftp://ftp.FreeAdhocUDF.org/FreeAdhocUDF/
Documentation found at http://FreeAdhocUDF.org/index_eng.html – still be updateted in the next days …
For all kind of questions and bug-reports use eMail help@freeadhocudf.org
adhoc dataservice / Christoph Theuring
Pierre Joye (Team Leader for windows.php.net) wrote on windows php building list : (someone
asked about the ldap extension)
5.3.4 should have it. There are other missing extensions but some of
them will never be restored (like *spell for example). Firebird was
the last one actually missing and should be back in 5.3.4.
Carlos wrote on firebird-php group : I’ve developed a stable version of a Firebird driver for the PHP Codeigniter Framework . Good feedback has been received from the Codeigniter community so far, and hope this could be useful for more developers working with PHP and Firebird.The sources are available at bitbucket here and any issues can be reported here
or at my blog here and for the English readers …
Thanx, live long and prosper…
Carlos García Trujillo
ps: seems that the driver is quite popular in such a small timeframe
I am happy that my driver for # firebird # codeigniter already are used by people from around the world in so little time:)
Here is the announcement on Codeigniter Forums
I have developed a FirebirdDB driver for Codeigniter 2.0
you can get it at BitBucket here
Code Igniter seems to be a cool PHP framework
CodeIgniter is most often noted for its speed when compared to other PHP frameworks. In a critical take on PHP frameworks in general, PHP creator Rasmus Lerdorf spoke at frOSCon in August 2008, noting that he liked CodeIgniter “because it is faster, lighter and the least like a framework”.
Have you ever lost microseconds when working with the type TIME?
Definitely, if you have ever tried to use them. In the previous versions of IBProvider, time was stored in OLE DB structure of DBTYPE_DBTIME type that does not support fractions of a second.
In the new IBProvider version, time data types have been improved. The new properties dbtime_rules and dbtimestamp_rules allow to set time storage not only in DBTIME/DBTIMESTAMP but also in WSTR and in the new type of MS SQL 2008 – DBTIME2 without losing milliseconds.
Please, read more and download new IBProvider Professional right now: Download Firebird OLE DB driver.