Firebird usage with SchemaSpy – Java based Graphical Database Schema Metadata Browser

On devshed firebird forum someone asked if anyone used SchemaSpy with firebird , and later he got it working , here is the command line option (after installing jaybird.jar)
1) Download the ZIP file for jaybird
2) unzip it
3) Copy the file jaybird-full-2.1.6.jar into a convenient directory
4) specify the full path to the .jar file when starting schema spy

java -jar /home/java/schemaSpy_5.0.0.jar -t firebird -db /var/lib/firebird/2.1/data/employee.fdb -s schema -u SYSDBA -p ******* -o /home/firebird/ -port 3050 -host localhost -dp /home/user/jaybird-full-2.1.6.jar

ps:that is a single line

Firebird 2.5.1 Snapshot is now in #Debian experimental

For people who want to live on the edge , there is a new upload in experimental for 2.5 release branch

Database Workbench 4.1.1 released

Ladies, gentlemen,

Upscene Productions is proud to announce the next
version of the popular multi-DBMS development tool:

Database Workbench 4.1.1 Pro

This release includes the FREE Lite versions for InterBase, Firebird
and MySQL.

A bugfix release that fixes a possible crash in 4.1.0

For more information, see here.

Click here for the full list of changes in v4.1.1

Database Workbench supports:
– Borland InterBase ( 4.x – XE )
– Firebird ( 1.x, 2.x )
– MS SQL Server/MSDE ( 7, 2000, 2005, 2008, MSDE 1 & 2, SQL Express )
– MySQL 4.x, 5.x
– Oracle Database ( 8i, 9i, 10g, 11g )
– Sybase SQL Anywhere ( 9, 10, 11 and 12 )
– NexusDB ( 3.0 and up )

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