The Document Foundation Announces LibreOffice 3.5: The Best Free and Libre Office Suite Ever

The Document Foundation announces LibreOffice 3.5, the third major release of “the best free office suite ever”, which shows to end users the improvements derived from the development strategy adopted since September 2010.

LibreOffice 3.5 derives from the combined effort of full time hackers – the largest group of experienced OOo code developers –and volunteer hackers, coordinated by the Engineering Steering Committee.
Related to Firebird there is the ODBC linux 64 bug killed .
Also the db with no bool support (Firebird 2.5) issue is done

Firebird .Net Provider Improved “weekly” builds

I’ve improved the . It’s now returning
version build from latest SVN sources (so it’s actually snapshot
builds now). Again could be unstable, not a good idea to put it to

PS: It’s reading the build from my internal CI server, that is really
old and really not very powerful. Please try not to push it to the

Jiri {x2} Cincura ( founder) |

FBDataGuard 2.7: major update of Firebird moniotring and database protection tool

FBDataGuard was just updated to the version 2.7. Download it from your IBSurgeon Deploy Center account or get trial version from the product page.

Please schedule upgrade of your production system (please do upgrade carefully and plan all your actions).

Changes in version 2.7 include support for modern browsers in FBDataGuard web-console, fixed bugs and improved performance.

FBDataGuard is intended to be automatic maintainer and administrator assistant for important Firebird databases, especially at remote locations and being bundled with Firebird-based software.


FBDataGuard is designed to provide stability and confidence in business-critical Firebird databases:

  • prevent outages and corruptions,
  • reduce downtime and performance problems,
  • monitor database health and automate maintenance,
  • provide alerts and recommendations.

Also it can be used for advanced database recovery of protected database in case of heavy corruption (e.g., caused by hardware failure).

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