The release of IBProvider v5.28

Hello Everyone!

We are pleased to present this new release of our flagship product. During its development, a number of old problems were identified and solved. Also the internal structure was improved for the next stage of development.

List of changes

  • The keyword list of FB v2.5.9 was corrected.
  • The keyword list of FB v3.0.4+ was corrected.
  • The definition of TIMESTAMP, TIME and DATE in PROVIDER_TYPES was corrected.
  • [DirectFB] The support of protocols v10-v12 was corrected. It solves problems with FB3.
  • [DirectFB] The support of protocol v13 was improved.
  • [ISC API] The protection from negative length of CHAR/VARCHAR datatypes was added.
  • The new initialization property «force_nulls» was added for conducting low-level tests.
  • Lots of internal changes and improvements were made.


  • Our primary test server for load tests is FB v3.11.

The current plans

  • The primary direction of our work is the implementation of FB4 support.

With best regards, IBProvider Team.

Curso: Backups no Firebird (PT-BR)

This is only for Portuguese speakers.

Está cansado de lidar com a constante preocupação de perder informações importantes do seu banco de dados Firebird? Quer ter a certeza de que seus dados estão protegidos e sempre disponíveis, mesmo em situações de emergência? Então você precisa conhecer esse curso especializado em backups de banco de dados Firebird!

Você aprenderá técnicas avançadas e muitas vezes desconhecidas para fazer backups eficientes e confiáveis. Descubra também como fazer backup/restore em um único passo, sem precisar criar arquivos intermediários, economizando tempo, espaço em disco e simplificando o processo.

Saiba também como usar o gbak gerando como resultado final um backup já compactado com o 7zip, otimizando espaço em disco! Você também aprenderá sobre backups incrementais, mais rápidos e que armazenam apenas dos dados que foram adicionados ou alterados desde o último nível de backup, deixando o processo mais eficiente e possibilitando a realização de backups mais frequentes.

Apenas durante o lançamento, até o dia 24/fevereiro, o curso estará sendo vendido de R$ 397 por R$ 250 através do link Todos compradores receberão também gratuitamente meu eBook Guia de Migração para o Firebird 3!

Não perca mais tempo e garanta agora seu acesso a esse curso exclusivo! Proteja seus dados e tenha a certeza de que eles estão sempre seguros. Torne-se um expert em backups de banco de dados Firebird!

A venda e a entrega estão sendo feitas via plataforma Eduzz, e você pode pagar com cartão, pix ou boleto bancário.

Jaybird 5.0.1 and 4.0.9 released

We are happy to announce the release of Jaybird 5.0.1 and Jaybird 4.0.9.

Jaybird 5.0.1

The following has been fixed since Jaybird 5.0.0:

  • Fixed: Executing DML with a RETURNING clause containing a blob column would return the blob-id instead of the blob value (jaybird#728)
  • Fixed: CallableStatement.getString and CallableStatement.getObject would incorrectly trim string values (jaybird#729)
  • Fixed: ResultSetMetaData.getPrecision(int) of a connectionless result set could throw a NullPointerException if the column was of type FLOAT or DOUBLE PRECISION (jaybird#730)

Jaybird 5 supports Firebird 2.5 and higher, on Java 8, 11, 17 and 19 (support for Java 11 and higher using the Java 11 version of the driver).

See also:

Jaybird 4.0.9

The following has been fixed since Jaybird 4.0.8:

  • Fixed: Some methods of FBClob threw NullPointerException when attempting to use after implicit or explicit free() (jaybird#719)
  • Improvement: If the default JVM time zone is a GMT offset, e.g. GMT-08:00, configure sessionTimeZone with offset only, e.g. -08:00 (jaybird#720)
  • Fixed: Executing DML with a RETURNING clause containing a blob column would return the blob-id instead of the blob value (jaybird#728)
  • Fixed: CallableStatement.getString would incorrectly trim string values (jaybird#729)
  • Fixed: ResultSetMetaData.getPrecision(int) of a connectionless result set could throw a NullPointerException if the column was of type FLOAT or DOUBLE PRECISION (jaybird#730)

Jaybird 4 supports Firebird 2.5 and higher, on Java 7, 8, 11, 17 and 19 (support for Java 11 and higher using the Java 11 version of the driver).

See also:

IBProvider News

Hello Everyone.

We have a couple of news for you.

1. We have just released the new set of our components where is provided a new solution to using IBProvider without registration in Windows:

  • IBProvider v5.27
  • LCPI OLE DB Services v1.22
  • LCPI ADO.NET Data provider for OLE DB v1.26

2. We released Free IBProvider x64.

You can get more information about these things at our web site.

With Best Regards, IBProvider Team.

Upscene releases new version of test data generator

Upscene Productions is happy to announce the next version of their test data generator tool:

“Advanced Data Generator 4.1.0”

A fast test-data generator tool that comes with a library of real-life data, can generate data to your database,
script or data files, many filling options, templates and much more.

Jaybird 5.0.0 released

Jaybird 5 is – from a JDBC perspective – an incremental change from Jaybird 4. However, internally, Jaybird underwent some major changes, the biggest was the removal of JCA (Java Connector Architecture) support.

The major changes and new features in Jaybird 5 are:

Upgrading from Jaybird 4 to 5 should be simple, but please make sure to read Compatibility changes before using Jaybird 5. See also Upgrading from Jaybird 4 to Jaybird 5.

Bug reports about undocumented changes in behavior are appreciated. Feedback can be sent to the Firebird-java mailing list or reported on the issue tracker

See also the full Jaybird 5.0.0 release notes and Firebird Type 4 JDBC Driver Downloads.

Database .NET v35 released

fish’s dotNET is proud to announce version 35.0 of Database .NET, an intuitive database management tool for Firebird and more RDBMS.
With it you can easily and intuitive manage your Firebird databases (v1.5~4.0).
It is a free, for non-commercial use, a single executable file without installation and compatible with latest Windows platforms.

See ChangeLog for a complete list of changes, bug fixes and acknowledgement.

Jaybird 4.0.8 released

Jaybird 4.0.8 has been released

The following has been changed or fixed since Jaybird 4.0.7:

  • Improvement: Backported new generated keys parser from Jaybird 5 to remove dependency on ANTLR (jaybird#718) With this change, Jaybird no longer relies on antlr-runtime-4.7.2.jar, if you don’t need it yourself, you can remove this library from the classpath. See New parser for generated keys handling for more information.

Jaybird 4 supports Firebird 2.5 and higher, on Java 7, 8, 11, 17 and 19 (support for Java 17 and 19 using the Java 11 version of the driver).

See also

Jaybird 4.0.7 released

Jaybird 4.0.7 has been released

The following has been changed or fixed since Jaybird 4.0.6:

  • Improvement: (VAR)CHAR is now sent to the server with blr_varying2 or blr_text2 which includes the character set information (jaybird#692)
  • Changed: Usages of String.toUpperCase and String.toLowerCase now use Locale.ROOT to prevent locale-sensitivity issues (jaybird#697)
  • New feature: Support for NBackup “clean history” option (jaybird#706)
    The interface has three new methods: setCleanHistory(boolean) to enable (or disable) cleaning of history during backup, and setKeepDays(int) and setKeepRows(int) to specify the number of days or rows to keep history. These options require Firebird 4.0.3 or higher.
    This feature was backported from Jaybird 5.
  • Fixed: Calling PreparedStatement.setClob or PreparedStatement.setBlob with a null Clob, Reader, Blob, or InputStream would result in a NullPointerException (jaybird#712)
    As part of this change the behaviour of setClob methods accepting a Reader was changed to be identical to setCharacterStream, and setBlob accepting an InputStream to setBinaryStream. The end result before and after this change is identical, but it can result in different memory and performance characteristics, as the stream is now consumed on execute, and not on set.

Jaybird 4 supports Firebird 2.5 and higher, on Java 7, 8, 11, 17 and 19 (support for Java 17 and using the Java 11 version of the driver).

See also

IBProvider News

Hello Everyone!

We came back with new releases 🙂

We have just finished the large revision of our components and we are really glad to announce the following new versions:

  • LCPI EF Core Provider for OLE DB v6.0.8
  • LCPI IBProvider v5.26
  • LCPI OLE DB Services v1.21

You can read about changes in these components at our website –

Only for visitors of this resource. We restored our store at PayProGlobal and we would like to test it 🙂

Everyone who will buy or renew a license for IBProvider 32/64bit till the end of this month will get two years of free updates.

With Best Regards, IBProvider Team.

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