Job Scheduler 1.2.5

This release includes support for SQL Server 2005 and Firebird 1.5.

The Job Scheduler runs executable files, shell scripts, and database procedures automatically (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Firebird, SQL Server, Oracle, and DB2). It processes sequential and parallel tasks and job chains, provides an API for job implementation with Java, Javascript, VBScript, and Perl, and exposes jobs as Web services.

Release focus: Major feature enhancements

EMS Data Comparer 2005 for InterBase/Firebird ver. 1.1 released

EMS Data Comparer 2005 for InterBase/Firebird

EMS Software Development company is pleased to announce new version of Data Comparer 2005 – the powerful utility for data comparison and synchronization for Firebird and InterBase databases.

FirebirdClient 2.0 Release Candidate 1 released


FirebirdClient 2.0 Release Candidate 1 for Microsoft.NET 2.0 is available for download.
This version only bug fixes will be allowed on v2.0 sources.
Download information can be found here.

Release Notes

dnfbb beta version online

A preview of the new board is now available at, you will need to register to see more details.

although this is an early beta, any feedback (within the dnfbb forum) is welcome.

[ED:You might notice a short delay when receiving your signup email, or password reminder requests.Here is why]

Conquering Olympus… The road to phpbb 3.0 Beta1

Meik “Acyd Burn” Sievertsen, phpBB’s Development Team Leader has just announced that the bug tracker for phpBB3 née Olympus is now open

Supported DBMS

Though developed using MySQL, the wonders of a DBAL means phpBB Olympus already supports a wide number of databases:
* Firebird (firebird) – Firebird 1.5+/Interbase 7.1+

New: IBExpert Developer Studio 2006.03.15

New: IBExpert Developer Studio 2006.03.15

IBExpert Developer Studio

Today we uploaded a new Version of IBExpert Developer Studio on

What is IBExpert Developer Studio?

Coverity Open Source Defect Scan of Firebird

Hello Firebird Developers,

I’m the CTO of Coverity, Inc., a company that does static source code
analysis to look for defects in code. You may have heard of us or of our
technology from its days at Stanford (the “Stanford Checker“). The
reason I’m writing is because we have set up a framework internally to
continually scan open source projects and provide the results of our
analysis back to the developers of those projects. Firebird is one of
the 32 projects currently scanned at:

Flamerobin 0.6.0 is released

Windows (setup & zip), Linux (gtk1 & gtk2), Mac OS X and source packages are available for download. Enjoy.

New features

– DDL extraction for all object types
– Rebuild View option (drop and recreate dependent objects)
– Option to drop database

Enhancements and Bug fixes

1 141 142 143 144 145 147