IBPP Version 2.5, a C++ API interface for Firebird, is released

A new version 2.5 of IBPP, a C++ API interface for Firebird got released some days ago. Downloads from the Sourceforge project area: sourceforge.net/projects/ibpp
Documentation from the IBPP website: www.ibpp.org

This update brings some new functionalities, more complete events support and will be shortly enhanced to bring full FB 2.0 compatibility (not that it shouldn’t work with FB 2.0 as is).

Yours, Olivier Mascia

PEAR::MDB_QueryTool 1.1.0 released

MDB_QueryTool 1.1.0 has been released.

MDB_QueryTool is a PHP OO abstraction to the SQL query language, it provides methods such as setWhere(), setOrder(), setGroup(), setJoin(), etc. to easily build queries.
It also provides an easy to learn interface that interacts nicely with HTML forms using arrays that contain the column data, that shall be updated/added in a DB.
This package bases on an SQL-Builder which lets you easily build SQL statements and execute them.

The package has been fully tested with MySQL, PostgreSQL and Firebird.

The latest release adds support for MDB2 as the backend.

Interbase/Firebird Development Studio has been updated

Interbase/Firebird Development Studio Update 3 has been released. Added data type checks and ability to check existing databases for code errors. Added ability to activate/deactivate indices and recompile stored procedures and triggers to refresh execution plan. Improved syntax highlighting – now highlights pair brackets and begin..end blocks, and many more. Detailed list of new features and fixes are available.

More information about Interbase/Firebird Development Studio can be found here: www.sqlly.com

Want a free, open source Java Jsp/Servlet forum with firebird support?

mvnForum is an open source, powerful, easy to use, easy to setup bulletin board (forum) built on the Java J2EE technology (Jsp/Servlet). mvnForum is compatible with any Servlet Containers which supports Jsp 1.2 and Servlet 2.3.
mvnFourm is free, opensource and released under the terms of the GNU General Public License. It means that you could use it free of charge to build your own discussion communities.

[ED: seen it via this article ]

ASP.NET ToDo list (Delphi.NET)

I said AGES ago I would post my todo list and the code. So, here it is!

Deployment Files Only (464Kb)
Full Source Code (604Kb)
It is only very basic. I have included the required DLL’s, although if you compile the source one using Delphi you won’t need them.

By downloading you agree to the following disclaimer:

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