Database .NET v27.2 released

Database .NET v27.2 is an innovative, powerful and intuitive multiple database management tool.

Upscene releases Database Workbench 5.6.2

Upscene Productions is proud to announce the availability of the next release of the popular multi-DBMS development tool:

” Database Workbench 5.6.2″

This new release brings you the Command Line Data Pump & Favorites feature (Pro Edition) and a few important bugfixes.

Version 5.5 brought you support for the latest versions of supported database systems, that includes PostgreSQL 11, InterBase 2017 and MySQL 8.

Database Workbench 5 comes in multiple editions with different pricing models, there’s always a version that suits you!

Release of ADO.NET Provider for OLE DB – v1.11

Hello everyone!

We released a new update of our ADO.NET provider for OLE DB, which allows the work with Firebird and InterBase from .NET application through IBProvider.

Description of change

When connecting to the Firebird, InterBase and Yaffil databases, the «ISC:DatabaseDialect» and «ISC:ConnectionDialect» columns are available in the «DataSourceInformation» metadata schema.

This information is taken from the information properties of IBProvider: «IB Database Dialect» and «IB Connection Dialect», respectively.

The full list of columns in the DataSourceInformation schema is defined in the static class OleDbMetaDataCollectionColumnNames.DataSourceInformation.

You may get our ADO.NET provider from IBProvider site and from NUGET site.

Regards, IBProvider Team.

Release of IBProvider v5

We are proud to introduce the fifth version of our basic product for working with Firebird and InterBase.

IBProvider v5 inherits all the best from IBProvider v3 and dramatically improves the quality of implementation of the OLE DB components.

For the last few years, the main development line of IBProvider was fixing problems that prevented its stable operation. First of all, we had to fix problems not related to the provider itself — we rewrote the client for Firebird and the standard pool of OLE DB connections. It took a lot of time and resourses, but it was worth it.

Now the time has come to get to IBProvider itself.

Instead of local fixes, within the support of the third version we redesigned the inner infrastructure of the OLE DB components of IBProvider taking into account the entire experience gained over the last years. In part, the ideas were taken from our ADO.NET provider.

The main qualities of IBProvider v5 are reliability and fail safety…

Read full text of IBProvider v5 release.

With Best Regards, IBProvider Team.

LibreOffice 6.2 is here

LibreOffice 6.2 is here! It includes a new (optional) user interface called the NotebookBar, along with improved compatibility, performance boosts, a reworked help system and many other updates. Learn more and download it .

Firebird related release notes:

  • Support for Base files using embedded Firebird RDBMS becomes non experimental in this release.
  • Firebird Migration Assistant now creates a backup copy of the existing content.xml file inside the HSQL based ODB file prior to the actual migration process. 
  • Access2Basic basic library, bundled with the 6.2 release, adds full support for Firebird RDBMS.

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