FlameRobin 0.7.1 released
Windows (setup & zip), Linux (gtk1 &. gtk2), Mac OS X and source packages are available for download. Read more here, changelog included
Announcements of new Firebird related products, or new releases.
Windows (setup & zip), Linux (gtk1 &. gtk2), Mac OS X and source packages are available for download. Read more here, changelog included
DotLucene is an open-source search engine library for .NET. There is now set up a demo site (damnfastdotlucene.org) that tests DotLucene performance on quite a big set of documents
[ED:Lucene.net index can be stored in firebird database]
Download information can be found here ( Please review the changelog for details ) :
[ZeosDBO is an set of open source database components (with firebird support):they need more delphi/lazarus developers ]
Read more at cipto-kh.blogspot.com/2…
An alternative to cvs/subversion for delphi users, what is interesting about it ? you can install it on an firebird server or use the firebird 1.5.x ebedded included in the JCVS app server setup (you can read the release notes)
Read more (in portuguese) at www.delphiman.com.br/bl…
[Firebird used in embedded device ]
DB/CRM module accompanied with Lefthand CRM is a great extension of Your ethernus.
Stable, preconfigured [Firebird] database server for your company and flexible Customer Relationship Management encourage your employees to more efficient work.
Read more in polish at www.idg.pl/news/93067.h…
This is the latest version of FBReplicator. This version is the same as version 4.1 excpet that idbc.dll has been modified. There is no need to download this entire setup to move from 4.1 to 4.2, Download and replace your ibdc.dll only (contained here) to upgrade from 4.1.
Seems that Clustered JDBC got new release out- Now they renamed the project to Sequoia also project have new license : apache’s one
Read more at freshmeat.net/projects/…
ps: it does have firebird support by using jaybird
[ED:interesting perl tool for dumping firebird’s database structure- didn’t test it yet]
Perl program to help extracting a database’s data and metadata and dumping it as a set of SQL commands (similar to pg_dump or mysqldump).
Read more at www.honeypot.net/~kirk/…
[MyTracker is tracking and collaboration system that allows users to collect, file, share, and discuss any type of information, whether it is news, a thought, bug, task, idea, document, graph and report. MyTracker is powerful, well-organized, efficient, fully customizable and easy to use.]
Read more at mytracker.sourceforge.n…