FirebirdClient v2.0 Release Candidate 5 released

FirebirdClient v2.0 Release Candidate 5 is available for download.

Hope this can be the last Release Candidate version before the final
release, of course, if there are no big issues reported in the next weeks.

Download information can be found here:

· Release Candidate 5 ( 2006-06-01 ) ·

DeZign for Databases V4

DeZign for Databases has an intuitive visual interface that allows you to accurately design, create and maintain your database. It provides full support for ER-modeling (Entity-Relationship) techniques and supports most popular SQL and desktop databases.

Newly supported databases in this release include Oracle 10g, NexusDB 2, MySQL 5, Firebird 2 and MS SQL Server 2005. More information here.

goCRM product released – Free now

goCRM had its initial release today, and it could be interesting to some as we’re giving away free, yes free, software, that could be useful to someone running a small business.


Database Workbench 2.8.6 released

Ladies, gentlemen,
Upscene Productions is proud to announce the next version of the popular database development tool:

Database Workbench 2.8.6 has been released today!

Download a trial at:
What’s new?:
Full list of features and fixes:

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