Firebird on gentoo x86 is stable as always
Firebird package is marked as stable on x86-32 on the gentoo’s firebird page
Announcements of new Firebird related products, or new releases.
Firebird package is marked as stable on x86-32 on the gentoo’s firebird page
Vtiger is a fork of SugarCrm and PosgreSQL and Oracle support is on the way, so Firebird seems to be possible If you have any interest for this, tell to Philippe Makowski
or on Firebird-General list
SQLLY Development team is happy to announce the availability of the next version of Interbase/Firebird Development Studio. Database Designer was significantly improved – added widely used Data Auditing feature which allows to create special kind of trigger and a table to audit data changes and Grant Manager to setup privileges withing the project. Database Comparer was improved and redesigned – now able to show difference between changed objects, carefully handles all object dependencies and produces update script of much better quality. Improved data type checking now generates more warnings when you attempting, for example, to assign varchar(50) value to char(30).
Please find detailed list of news and fixes at:
More information about Interbase/Firebird Development Studio can be found at:
30-days evaluation version is available at the following page:
Dear ladies and gentlemen,
Upscene Productions is happy to announce a new version of the database developer tool: “Advanced Data Generator” (version 1.7.0)
A fast test-data generator tool that comes with a library of real-life data, can generate data to your database, SQL script or CSV files, many filling options, presets and much more.
In the near future we will have support for using Firebird Relational Database.
Thanks to Gareth Goslett from South Africa who is the developer/maintainer of this new Data Layer.
Read the full Good News about Mojo+Firebird
Simple Information System for Library is using Firebird for Database backend. It’s an simple program and fully OpenSource. You can do checkout via SVN in SISuP is under developement.
With firebird support added to JRuby
And another related news : Jruby steps into the sun
SQL Maetro – A new administration tool for Firebird Databases is available for download (windows only).
Source and binary packages for Windows (setup.exe and .zip) and Linux (gtk1 and gtk2 variants) are available for download. MacOSX and Debian/Ubuntu ones should follow soon (and probably FreeBSD one too). We are also looking for someone to try if things work on Solaris too.
New features
– System tables now are available in main tree view
– Compatibility with Firebird 2.0
– SQL editor: Autocompletion of column/parameter names and old/new aliases in triggers
Milan Babuskov
There has been one official release of the ActiveRecord-JDBC adapter, a 0.1 that has basic SQL support for MySQL.[Ed: Firebird support will be added soon , see bellow] …
We are planning a second release of the JDBC adapter very shortly. It should have reasonably solid migrations/DDL support for MySQL, Oracle, and Firebird, as well as some level of support for HSQLDB, Derby, and others. It’s moving along quickly now that it’s been spun off into its own jruby-extras project. You can go there or to the jruby-extras SVN repository to grab the bleeding-edge source from SVN.