Jaybird 4.0.0-beta-1 available for testing

The first beta for Jaybird 4 is available for testing.

We’d really appreciate it if you take the time to test this version of Jaybird with your applications. Bug reports about undocumented changes in behavior are appreciated. Feedback can be sent to the Firebird-java mailing list or reported on the issue tracker http://tracker.firebirdsql.org/browse/JDBC.

Jaybird 4 is – compared to Jaybird 3 – an incremental release that builds on the foundations of Jaybird 3. The focus of this release has been on further improving JDBC support and adding support for the new data types and features of Firebird 4.

The main new features are:

  • Wire encryption support (backported to Jaybird 3.0.4)
  • Database encryption support (backported to Jaybird 3.0.4)
  • Authentication plugin improvements
  • Firebird 4 DECFLOAT support
  • Firebird 4 extended numeric precision support
  • Firebird 4 time zone support
  • JDBC RowId support
  • JDBC DatabaseMetaData.getPseudoColumns implemented
  • JDBC DatabaseMetaData.getVersionColumns implemented
  • Improved JDBC function escape support
  • New JDBC protocol prefix jdbc:firebird:
  • Generated keys support improvements

Jaybird 4.0.0-beta-1 is for testing purposes only, and not intended for production use.

See also:

IBProvider News. Support For Visual Studio 2019

Hello All!

In latest update of our components, we offer support for Visual Studio 2019, which was released a week ago:

  1. New DDEX providers (v1.12) for our ADO.NET provider (FW4.5, FW4.6.2, FW4.7.2) and VS2019. The installation instruction is the same as for Visual Studio 2017.
  2. IBProvider v5.3.1 compiled by VS2019 (signature of binaries – vc16)

IBProvider vc16 builds (32/64bit) have gone through load testing, so you can start using them in your solutions without any problems.

This news at our web site: https://www.ibprovider.com/eng/news/n_190411-vs2019.html

Thanks&Regards. IBProvider Team.

DB Explorer For Firebird Databases

Explore and run queries against your Firebird® databases without leaving VS Code. This extension allows you to connect directly to your Firebird databases, list tables and fields, run queries, display/export results and more.


NEW! SQL Mock Data Generator
Manage multiple database connections
List hosts, databases, tables and fields inside Explorer View
Firebird Reserved Words Code Completion
Table and field names Code Completion
Run Firebird SQL queries
Run predefined custom queries
View results in a table
Realtime results filtering and sorting
Export results to JSON, CSV, XSLX or PDF file

Find more here.

Database .NET v27.2 released

Database .NET v27.2 is an innovative, powerful and intuitive multiple database management tool.


Upscene releases Database Workbench 5.6.2

Upscene Productions is proud to announce the availability of the next release of the popular multi-DBMS development tool:

” Database Workbench 5.6.2″

This new release brings you the Command Line Data Pump & Favorites feature (Pro Edition) and a few important bugfixes.

Version 5.5 brought you support for the latest versions of supported database systems, that includes PostgreSQL 11, InterBase 2017 and MySQL 8.

Database Workbench 5 comes in multiple editions with different pricing models, there’s always a version that suits you!

Release of ADO.NET Provider for OLE DB – v1.11

Hello everyone!

We released a new update of our ADO.NET provider for OLE DB, which allows the work with Firebird and InterBase from .NET application through IBProvider.


Description of change

When connecting to the Firebird, InterBase and Yaffil databases, the «ISC:DatabaseDialect» and «ISC:ConnectionDialect» columns are available in the «DataSourceInformation» metadata schema.

This information is taken from the information properties of IBProvider: «IB Database Dialect» and «IB Connection Dialect», respectively.

The full list of columns in the DataSourceInformation schema is defined in the static class OleDbMetaDataCollectionColumnNames.DataSourceInformation.

You may get our ADO.NET provider from IBProvider site and from NUGET site.

Regards, IBProvider Team.

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