Jaybird 3.0.7 released

Jaybird 3.0.7 has been released. This release contains a new feature and two bug fixes:

  • Fixed: attempts to use a blob after it was freed or after transaction end could throw a NullPointerException or just work depending on whether the connection had a new transaction. (JDBC-587)
  • Fixed: Instances of java.sql.Blob and java.sql.Clob obtained from a result set were freed after calls to ResultSet.next(). (JDBC-588)
  • New feature: added FBEventManager.createFor(Connection) to create an EventManager for an existing connection. Backported from Jaybird 4. (JDBC-594)

Jaybird 3.0 supports Firebird 2.0 and higher, on Java 7, 8, 11 and 13. Basic Java 9 and higher compatibility is provided through the Java 8 version of the driver.

See also:

HQbird 2020 is released. Now it is simply the fastest Firebird

Veja a versão em Português abaixo.

IBSurgeon is glad to announce the general availability of HQbird 2020. HQbird 2020 is the new release of the advanced FirebirdSQL distribution with a lot of new features:

  • Multi-thread Sweep, Backup, Restore (in Firebird 2.5 and 3.0, HQbird Enterprise only)
    • Sweep – up to 6x faster
    • Backup – up to 5x faster
    • Restore – up to 2x faster
    • Please note: to enable multi-thread features set in firebird.conf parameter MaxParallelWorkers=64 and restart Firebird
  • Speed-up heavy reports (up to 5x times) (Firebird 3.0, HQbird Enterprise only)
    • Queries with many fields in SELECT and large sorting (GROUP BY, ORDER BY, etc) can automatically use REFETCH plan to gain up to 5x performance
    • New parameter in firebird.conf to manage sort behavior
    • No changes in applications’ sources/SQLs required
  • Encryption Plugin (3.0, HQbird Enterprise only)
    • AES256 strong encryption, for Windows and Linux, low penalty on performance
    • gbak with encryption support, decrypt low-level tool (for recovery)
    • Examples of sources for Delphi, NET, PHP, Java
    • Support of encrypted databases in HQbird
  • Authentication plugin for transparent Execute Statement On External (3.0, HQbird Enterprise only)
    • allows establishing trusted authentication of ESOE without password
  • RSA-UDR: sign documents (strings and BLOBs) (3.0, HQbird Enterprise only)
    • Public/Private Keys generation
    • SQL functions to calculate digest, sign documents and verify the signature
  • Enhanced performance monitoring reports (2.5, 3.0)
    • Low penalty on performance, easy to schedule
    • Top queries reports: time-consuming, frequent, CPU-consuming, disk, etc
  • Enhanced silent installation and registration – on Windows
  • Automatic upgrades of HQbird: checking and download
  • Control Center For Firebird (2.5, 3.0, for subscription customers only)
    • Review status of many Firebird servers on the same page
    • Notifications about successful backups and critical problems

The detailed description of HQbird 2020 features is available in HQbird User Guide https://ib-aid.com/download/docs/hqbirduserguide2020.pdf

More details: https://ib-aid.com/en/news/hqbird-2020-is-released-now-it-is-simply-the-fastest-firebird/


The existing subscription customers and customers with active maintenance will receive HQbird 2020 automatically in the next few days.

The customers with very recent purchases and customers from Firebird Developers Day 2019 (Brazil) also will receive HQbird 2020.


You can upgrade from any old version of HQbird to HQbird 2020: https://ib-aid.com/en/upgrades-ibsurgeon/

em Portuguese

Lançamento do HQbird 2020: Firebird Turbinado

O IBSurgeon tem o prazer de anunciar a disponibilidade geral do HQbird 2020. O HQbird 2020 é o novo lançamento da avançada distribuição do FirebirdSQL com muitos recursos novos:

  • Multi-thread sweep, backup, restauração (no Firebird 2.5 e 3.0, apenas no HQbird Enterprise)
    • Sweep – até 6x mais rápido
    • Backup – até 5x mais rápido
    • Restaurar – até 2x mais rápido
    • Para ativar os recursos multi-thread configurados no parâmetro firebird.conf MaxParallelWorkers = 64 e reiniciar o Firebird
  • Acelere relatórios pesados (até 5x vezes) (Firebird 3.0, apenas HQbird Enterprise)
    • As consultas com muitos campos em SELECT e a classificação grande (GROUP BY, ORDER BY, etc) podem usar automaticamente o plano REFETCH para obter desempenho de até 5x
    • Novo parâmetro no firebird.conf para gerenciar o comportamento de classificação
    • Não são necessárias alterações nas origens / SQL dos aplicativos
  • Plug-in de criptografia (3.0, apenas HQbird Enterprise)
    • Criptografia forte AES256, para Windows e Linux, baixa penalidade no desempenho
    • gbak com suporte à criptografia, descriptografar ferramenta de baixo nível (para recuperação)
    • Exemplos de fontes para Delphi, NET, PHP, Java
    • Suporte de bancos de dados criptografados no HQbird
  • Plug-in de autenticação para declaração de execução transparente no externo (3.0, apenas HQbird Enterprise)
    • permite estabelecer autenticação confiável do ESOE sem senha
  • RSA-UDR: assinar documentos (strings e BLOBs) (3.0, apenas HQbird Enterprise)
  • Geração de chaves públicas / privadas
    • Funções SQL para calcular resumo, assinar documentos e verificar a assinatura
  • Relatórios aprimorados de monitoramento de desempenho (2.5, 3.0)
    • Baixa penalidade no desempenho, fácil de agendar
    • Top SQL queries: demorado, frequente, CPU, disco, etc.
  • Instalação e registro silenciosos aprimorados – no Windows
  • Atualizações automáticas do HQbird: verificação e download
  • Centro de Controle para Firebird (2.5, 3.0, apenas para clientes de assinatura)
    • Revise o status de muitos servidores Firebird na mesma página
    • Notificações sobre backups bem-sucedidos e problemas críticos

A descrição detalhada dos recursos do HQbird 2020 está disponível no Guia do Usuário do HQbird (em Ingles) https://ib-aid.com/download/docs/hqbirduserguide2020.pdf


Os clientes de assinatura existentes e os clientes com manutenção ativa receberão o HQbird 2020 automaticamente nos próximos dias.

Os clientes com compras muito recentes e clientes do Firebird Developers Day 2019 (Brasil) também receberão o HQbird 2020.


Você pode atualizar de qualquer versão antiga do HQbird para o HQbird 2020: https://ib-aid.com/en/upgrades-ibsurgeon/

Database .NET 28.4 and dbMigration .NET 11.1 released

Database .NET 28.4 is an innovative, powerful and intuitive multiple database management tool, With it you can easily edit and manage your Firebird database files.

https://fishcodelib.com/Database.htm (Change Log)

dbMigration .NET 11.1 is a simple, easy and intuitive multiple database migration and data synchronization tool, With it you can easily migrate schema and data to Firebird and vice versa.

https://fishcodelib.com/DBMigration.htm (Change Log)

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