KDE Firebird RBDMS Administration Tool

This is one of the many open source database projects for Firebird RDBMS administration tools on Linux. Like many of its precedents its source code can be downloaded at http://sourceforge.net/projects/kfb

Kfb is programmed with KDevelop (C++ and Qt). It is fully GUI and based mainly on IBPP,  another open source project of C++ interface to Firebird API’s.  Kfb also includes some other libraries,  ncrypt and fbcopy, and all of them are open source projects and all can be downloaded at http://sourceforge.net

I have tried to achieve the goal of stability, speed and security in this project, while still keeping it easy to operate and include as many functions as possible. Kfb opeartes on FB 1.5 and 2.0 SS server.  Some efforts are to make this program more handy for the daily operations.

More information here.

SQLAlchemy 0.3.10 released

This is a minor release that is primarily to fix a connection pool
issue revealed earlier today. The pool issue was introduced in 0.3.9
and did not exist in prior versions, and only affects the behavior of
“timeout”, nothing to do with the state integrity of the pool or its
connections. The release also fixes some small bugs involving
binding connections directly to MetaData as well as Sessions.

SQLAlchemy is the Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper that gives application developers the full power and flexibility of SQL.

It provides a full suite of well known enterprise-level persistence patterns, designed for efficient and high-performing database access, adapted into a simple and Pythonic domain language.

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SQLAlchemy 0.3.9 Released

Version 0.3.9 of SQLAlchemy is released.  This is probably not the last of the 0.3 series, but it’s the last major set of changes for this line; subsequent releases should probably be only for important bug fixes.  0.3.9 includes a lot of important bug fixes as usual, but also has a focus on the new API which is to be standardized in the upcoming 0.4 series, and is largely available in SQLAlchemy 0.3.9 so that existing applications can adapt to the new patterns.  These changes represent improvements by leaps and bounds over anything SQLAlchemy has ever had, and a lot of them are available right now.  The documentation has also been updated on the site with a large portion of these changes – so if you haven’t looked at SQLAlchemy’s documentation in a long time, now is the time to revisit; particularly the chapters on Database Engines, Database Metadata, and Data Mapping.

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Firebird Maestro 7.7 released

Firebird Maestro SQL Maestro Group is happy to announce the release of Firebird Maestro 7.7, a powerful Windows GUI solution for Firebird administration and database development.

New version features:

  • Unicode/UTF-8 data management.
  • Since this version Firebird Maestro works fine with embedded Firebird server.
  • Transaction Browser is implemented (Firebird 2.1). This feature is very useful for DBAs who want to monitor the users’ activity.
  • Support of database triggers from Firebird 2.1 is added to the software.
  • Database Designer: a possibility of locking/unlocking diagram objects is added.
  • It is now possible to execute SQL scripts after connect and before disconnect to/from a database.

There are also some other new features. Full press-release is available here:

open dbx 1.3.3 released

Release focus: Major feature enhancements
A C++ interface was added. Integration of the C++ interface was also a good start to use a separate directory (/usr/include/opendbx/) for the header files, including the new opendbx/api.hpp. The old odbx.h is still available but only as a legacy file which includes the new opendbx/api.h header.

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