crypt-o software powered by firebird

While on firebird-architect there was a serious discussion about encryption i found on the web the following software that uses firebird

Crypt-o will help you to organize and store securely any kind of valuable information, such as logins, passwords, customers or employees lists, access codes, credit card numbers, PIN codes, files, etc.
Crypt-o is a secure Client/Server solution for creating custom databases, which is designed for use in enterprise networks. The data is reliably stored in Firebird SQL Server database and is encrypted using AES encryption algorithm with 256-bit key. Crypt-o client applications access the Crypt-o Server using secure SSL connection.

FirebirdDB driver for Codeigniter 2.0 is released Finally!

Here is the announcement on Codeigniter Forums

I have developed a FirebirdDB driver for Codeigniter 2.0
you can get it at BitBucket here

Code Igniter seems to be a cool PHP framework

CodeIgniter is most often noted for its speed when compared to other PHP frameworks. In a critical take on PHP frameworks in general, PHP creator Rasmus Lerdorf spoke at frOSCon in August 2008, noting that he liked CodeIgniter “because it is faster, lighter and the least like a framework”.

Artur Anjos will be with Paulo Gaspar presenting The Firebird #Database talk at #codebits2010

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and here are the full  details of the talk  very impressive :The Firebird Database: simple, free and powerful

Artur Anjos, a Firebird Project member, finally registered himself on Codebits in order to share this presentation.
Artur is with Firebird almost since the project started and has more than 8 years of production experience with it.

#ASP + Firebird: #VisualBasicScript, #JavaScript and #PerlScript

In our example I’ll show you how to use ASP to access a Firebird database via VisualBasicScript, JavaScript and PerlScript. Although not my favorite language, ASP will serve to illustrate the example. Also note that ASP uses ADO technology to access the database. This involves several “layers” so that access occurs.
Of course this may make access a little slow, but not the object of this article. It also assumes that the reader knows the ASP technology.

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