SAS’s Goodnight won’t say goodbye yet

…I think, to some extent, that Oracle is getting to that perch in the database business. Yet there is a lot of movement in the database business with open source software. We use one called Firebird. They should do something about it.

We had an experience when we were thinking about going public and our consultants said that we needed to get off SAS for our internal ERP work because it is just not a recognised brand and they suggested Oracle. It was Ernst and Young and we spent three or four years and $10m and it was just outrageous. And in the release (of Oracle) that we were working on there were over 10,000 bugs. That’s horrible.

Read complete article here.

Adarvo and Firebird

From IBPhoenix – Adarvo Ltd, Switzerland ( run a collaboration server that is based on a Firebird database. Current (May 2006) size of the database is about 49GB and there are more than 2000 customers currently using the service at this site.

Google licensing Morfik's JST?

Morfik developed the breakthrough web app RAD tool, WebOS. WebOS generates AJAX web applications in an environment that resembles Delphi C/S development. It uses Firebird as its DB server. One important part of its technology is “JST”, a javascript compiler. Google has released a similar technology, perhaps licensed from Morfik.

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