Kerio MailServer 6.5 uses Firebird

Excerpt from article on ComputerWorld:

Vitek says MailServer 6.5 also includes an updated Outlook plug in that lets people read and write mail, make calendar changes and other groupware tasks while disconnected from the Kerio MailServer. The new plug in includes a Firebird database that captures all the work you do while on the road and updates everything once you connect back to the server. Another benefit of using Firebird, Vitek points out, is that users now will have full-text search of everything stored in the database.

RAID 10 performance tradeoffs and firebird

I have been configuring a fair number of Linux database servers for a line-of-business application; it runs the Firebird SQL database in server mode only (no application code at all – just DB).

All of these are the wonderful Dell PowerEdge 2950 units with the PERC6i RAID controller, and my typical configuration is 6x 146G 15k SAS drives. These are the highest-performance, highest capacity solution in 3.5″ drives.

Playing with Django and Firebird

I’ve been messing around with Django for a while now and having fun. It reminded me of why and how I got started in this field.

[ED:There is an nice firebird mention ]

Using Apache, Webware and Firebird as the database I set out to build something.

Firebird? Yes anything to avoid the MySQL bandwagon. I couldn’t say for sure now, but at the time Firebird was far superior to MySQL. The Firebird team didn’t think that ACID properties, foreign key constraints, stored procedures etc. were just some esoteric optional extras for something with pretensions to being an RDBMS.

DATASUS using Firebird

Firebird is being used (and distributed) in several applications produced by DataSUS. SUS is the name of the unified public health system in Brazil. DataSUS is the department responsible for the development of computer applications, etc.

The applications are used in hospitals spreaded in the whole country. You can find several references of Firebird in DataSUS site, like here and here. Probably there are thousands of Firebird servers running only in the Brazilian’s hospitals.

Einstein teaching Firebird

Einstein, a group of universities in Brazil, is now offering extension courses based on Firebird:

  • Firebird database management
  • Advanced SQL – Triggers, Stored Procedures and UDF

More information here (in portuguese).

[ED]I know that a lot of universities here in Brazil uses Firebird as the default database for their computing courses, but it is the first time I see one of them offering extension courses based only in Firebird.

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