Redsoft Database (based on Firebird) used in GosLinux systems for FSSP

Management of Information Technology of the Federal Bailiff Service (FSSP) Russia announced a new phase of implementation of the free software and “import information technology” – the appearance of their own GNU / Linux distribution called GosLinux.

GosLinux distribution is based on CentOS 6.4 and created by “Soft Red” in 2013 after a win of the Russian company in the competition for revision, implementation and maintenance of automated information systems for FSSP Russia. In the server infrastructure of the territorial distribution of the FSSP Russia CentOS was used since 2012, and now all units bailiff service can use a specialized system, which received a FSTEC certificate at the end of March.

Among the major software components of the distribution used in the FSSP Russia, referred to the : Apache Tomcat application server and “Red Soft” database based on relational open source database Firebird.

And another article here
ps: Sorry for google translation

FB TraceManager V3.5.1 has been released

FBTM_V3_48x48 Upscene Productions is excited to officially release FB TraceManager V3.5.1!

This release adds support for pre-defined purge options of stored trace data. Minor issues have been fixed as well.

More information is available here:

Or also directly in the V3.5 what’s new section of the online product documentation:

More information on the product is available in the FB TraceManager section on our website, including an edition comparison sheet, webcasts etc.:

Thanks for your continued support.

How to patch, build and debug PHP extension : PDO Firebird

Vjacheslav V. Borisov wrote a tutorial on how to build and debug PDO Firebird driver :

I noticed that there is too many bugs open and too few developers who can
do the work.
And even this list is almost dead. Don’t know what is the cause of that,
but may be it is just hard to start ?
I recently written some patches for php – work, which I never done before.
And i can say, this really not so hard, if you know C/C++ (or at least
php?) and linux.
Most troublesome work is to setup build environment, so i decided to write
instruction how to patch, build and debug PHP extension, so may be more web
developers can contribute to php.

Advanced Solutions How to : Coordinating transactions for multiple connections in single call

Leyne, Sean asked on Firebird-devel
(You can read in that thread the details about problem requirements and proposed solutions)

Consider a large database (200GB, large tables with 450 Million rows) which is running on a kick-a** server
with pool of enterprise SSDs for storage (more IOPS then Firebird could ever use), which I need to extract
data from on a regular basis throughout the day for use by an external BI system. During the business day,
the database is Live with over 300 connections active with 1 million+ DB transactions.

I need to extract the BI data as a true “snapshot” of data (ensuring FKs are valid), in as short a timeframe as possible.

Because runtime is critical, I want to break the extract process into logical pieces and run each piece is a
separate process/thread (with its own connection) (aka run in parallel).

Java needed to run LibreOffice Base Database? No with Firebird SQL

You can try to use the Firebird Database within LibreOffice which doesn’t need Java. This feature is still marked as experimental. Firebird Databases are available since LibreOffice 4.2. (see the release notes for further information

To turn the experimental features on, you have to go to the Settings –> LibreOffice –> Advanced –> “Enable experimental features” (see screenshot bellow)
Then you can uncheck the Java from the same Dialog.


There are few components written in Java if you use them :The Wizards, Report Builder, and Report Designer sub-components are written in Java. Full list of Java dependencies here.

Original question and source is on

To make Firebird Embedded default database in the new database dialog open Expert Configuration and change this key
org.openoffice.Office.DataAccess/EmbeddedDatabases/DefaultEmbeddedDatabase/Value to sdbc:embedded:firebird

Firebird Free on the Cloud : Amazon ec2 Debian/Ubuntu

From Amazon AWS console you can launch a ec2 free instance , in my case microinstance (if you don’t want to pay)

Push the button Launch instance AWS Marketplace : type Debian
and select the first one from the list (64 bits version)

Currently selected: t1.micro (up to 2 ECUs, 1 vCPUs, 0.613 GiB memory, EBS only)

Review configuration and push the launch button
with your keyfile generated for example firebird.pem you can now connect to it (initial ssh user is admin for Debian and ubuntu for Ubuntu instance)

ssh -i firebird.pem

after that you can continue to setup firebird on it with the new sudo powers

and then you can connect securely to it using a ssh tunnel (putty can be used on windows to create the tunnel)

firebird port is secure by default and is closed to outside world on debian/ubuntu it listens to localhost ( only

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