node-firebird-libfbclient 0.0.12 released with NodeJS v0.12 fixes
C++ NodeJS module is updated with fixes for the Node v.0.12 release.
Fix was related to nan version and api changes.
Firebird related news
C++ NodeJS module is updated with fixes for the Node v.0.12 release.
Fix was related to nan version and api changes.
The new release brings: Improved Syntax, Quick Tryout in Cloud9 IDE.
Please comment on the concept on reddit.
Notice is hereby given that the Firebird Foundation Inc. shall convene on Tuesday 3 March 2015 at Noon GMT in the FFMembers mail list forum for its Annual General Meeting and Election of Officers for the new session. Members, please check your email for notifications and links.
The Userguide of Codeigniter 3 (still Release Candidate) mentions that now has support for Firebird:
Added Interbase / Firebird database support via the ibase driver.
This means that the installation package CI 3 includes it, although you could previously use Firebird in CodeiIgniter 2 by the driver developed by Carlos García ( ) .
To see the rest of the new features of CodeIgniter 3 these are the addresses:
We can confirm that CodeIgniter 2 is a stable platform where I ‘ve done development with very good results in the past.
I also put the direction of an article I wrote about using Firebird with CodeIgniter 2, in my blog:
ps: news via
There seems to be a small problem with Firebird on Yosemite (OSX 10.10), it looks like Apple have finally deprecated StartupItems, and currently SuperServer uses this to start itself on reboot.
The Lazarus team would like to announce the first release candidate for
the upcoming Version 1.4.
We would like to invite all users to test this release candidate.
Fbclient – A complete ffi binding of the Firebird client library.
This is Work in progress In the meantime, you can use the old fbclient which is stable and complete.
Also you can contribute on github.
ps: i find the code quite clean and readable
IBPhoenix announce the availability of FBMon (a command-line tool written in Python that allows you to work with Firebird Monitoring Tables) on its next Developer DVD due out in February.
Brent Rowland announced: Fbx – general purpose extensions to golang’s database/sql for Firebird.