Category: General news
Firebird related news
GSOC 2015 Finish Firebird Libreoffice driver integration
There is a medium difficulty task for a c++ programmer in current GSOC 2015
The Firebird driver for LibreOffice was started, and is mostly functional, in a previous GSoC, but it needs finishing and polishing. The main remaining issue is that the firebird data format embedded in the .odb file is endianess-dependent. The idea is to switch to Firebird’s “archive” format that is not.
Required skills / knowledge
C++, SQL, Reading other’s code, capacity to work autonomously.
Potential mentors
Lionel Elie Mamane, IRC: schoinobates, mail: lionel AT mamane DOT lu
Standard deviation and variance contributed by Hajime Nakagami
Improve your favourite Open Source RDBMS with github pull requests and patches .
Here’s a contribution to Firebird core standard deviation and variance
BenchmarkSQL for Firebird
Roman Simakov announced BenchmarkSQL for Firebird
I’ve ported BenchmarkSQL for Firebird. It’s TPC-C test working via
JDBC and support PostgreSQL, Oracle, DB2 and now Firebird.
I could run it locally and maybe it could be useful to know where we
are comparing to other DBMSs.
Please share you investigations.
Firebird 3 API demo usage with Pascal
Adriano dos Santos Fernandes (on the Firebird Development list): “I just built an example of Firebird 3 API usage with FreePascal. As said earlier, working with input/output buffers directly in non-C/C++ is difficult. This requires auxiliary classes. The others things seem ok and easy to use. We need some new functions in the new API, for example, to convert.” status vectors to strings, but this is not specific to Pascal.
Nodejs Firebird driver version 0.5.1 is released with support for Service Manager functions
node-firebird 0.5.1 released with the following functions implemented for Service Manager:
database validation
commit transaction
rollback transaction
recover transaction
database stats
users infos
user actions (add modify remove)
get firebird file log
List of functions implemeted :
// each row : fctname : [params], typeofreturn var fbsvc = { "backup" : { [ "options"], "stream" }, "nbackup" : { [ "options"], "stream" }, "restore" : { [ "options"], "stream" }, "nrestore" : { [ "options"], "stream" }, "setDialect": { [ "database","dialect"], "stream" }, "setSweepinterval": { [ "database","sweepinterval"], "stream" }, "setCachebuffer" : { [ "database","nbpagebuffers"], "stream" }, "BringOnline" : { [ "database"], "stream" }, "Shutdown" : { [ "database","shutdown","shutdowndelay","shutdownmode"], "stream" }, "setShadow" : { [ "database","activateshadow"], "stream" }, "setForcewrite" : { [ "database","forcewrite"], "stream" }, "setReservespace" : { [ "database","reservespace"], "stream" }, "setReadonlyMode" : { [ "database"], "stream" }, "setReadwriteMode" : { [ "database"], "stream" }, "validate" : { [ "options"], "stream" }, "commit" : { [ "database", "transactid"], "stream" }, "rollback" : { [ "database", "transactid"], "stream" }, "recover" : { [ "database", "transactid"], "stream" }, "getStats" : { [ "options"], "stream" }, "getLog" : { [ "options"], "stream" }, "getUsers" : { [ "username"], "object" }, "addUser" : { [ "username", "password", "options"], "stream" }, "editUser" : { [ "username", "options"], "stream" }, "removeUser" : { [ "username","rolename"], "stream" }, "getFbserverInfos" : { [ "options", "options"], "object" }, "startTrace" : { [ "options"], "stream" }, "suspendTrace" : { [ "options"], "stream" }, "resumeTrace" : { [ "options"], "stream" }, "stopTrace" : { [ "options"], "stream" }, "getTraceList" : { [ "options"], "stream" }, "hasActionRunning" : { [ "options"], "object"} }
this is an example to use with stream and object
fb.attach(_connection, function(err, svc) { if (err) return; // all function that return a stream take two optional parameter // optread => byline or buffer byline use isc_info_svc_line and buffer use isc_info_svc_to_eof // buffersize => is the buffer for service manager it can't exceed 8ko (i'm not sure) svc.getLog({optread:'buffer', buffersize:2048}, function (err, data) { // data is a readablestream that contain the firebird.log file console.log(err); data.on('data', function (data) { console.log(data.toString()); }); data.on('end', function() { console.log('finish'); }); }); // an other exemple to use function that return object svc.getFbserverInfos( { "dbinfo" : true, "fbconfig" : true, "svcversion" : true, "fbversion" : true, "fbimplementation" : true, "fbcapatibilities" : true, "pathsecuritydb" : true, "fbenv" : true, "fbenvlock" : true, "fbenvmsg" : true }, {}, function (err, data) { console.log(err); console.log(data); }); });
FDB Python driver for Firebird v1.4.4 is available for download
FDB Python driver for Firebird v1.4.4 is available for download
Here is the changelog
NodeJS C++ client node-firebird-libfbclient v.0.0.13 updated with 64 bit fixes
Adminer (Database management in single PHP file) with Alpha support for Firebird
Qt 5.4.1 and Qt creator 3.3.1 Released
Qt 5.4.1 and Qt creator 3.3.1 released with many fixes and enhancements