Firebird V2.5.4 is taged in svn tree
Here is the list of changes : What’s new in Firebird 2.5.4
Firebird related news
Here is the list of changes : What’s new in Firebird 2.5.4
Vlad Khorsun contributed New feature CORE-4707 in firebird 2.5.4:
Ability to validate tables and indices online
See also:
Roadmap for a distributed Firebird? was posted on firebird-devel list By Jim Starkey.
Goal: Morph Firebird into a high performance, distributed, fully redundant database.
Revision history for Perl extension DBD::Firebird for 1.19:
Dmitry Yemanov added documentation for the new feature : Scrollable cursors in PSQL, DSQL with additional API support
Allow to navigate through the open cursor in any direction rather than sequentially fetching records forward.
Hajime Nakagami contributed new Statistical functions : covar_samp(), covar_pop(), corr()
You can find a few examples in the pull request.
ps:Now is merged
Cool project : Meteor watching cameras powered by the Raspberry Pi, bought to you by Cambridge Science Centre!
News via twitter
Egor Pugin announced on Firebird-Devel list :
With new CMake 3.2.1 it is possible to successfully build Firebird for
iOS platform using CMake.
Updated instructions for iOS build available at
The last issue you encounter during building is duplicate symbol error
from clang. It is related to class DatabaseDirectoryList in anonymous
namespace. This class exists in files: src/jrd/jrd.cpp and
For my tests I added last underscore symbol to one of those classes
and the build completes.