Firebird Conveter 1.0.4 is Released
Firebird Converter 1.0.4 is now released. This is the release to fix NULL conversion problem.
Firebird related news
Firebird Converter 1.0.4 is now released. This is the release to fix NULL conversion problem.
FirebirdWebAdmin 3.2.0 is released.
Our hero is Dumitru Condrea with his many UI improvements.
List of changes from previous releases:
Database & Tables page. UI improvements. Deleted all images (Replaced by glyphs) .
Sticky footer with project github link, full version and debug info.
Header user menu with connection string & Logout.
No info panel. Now is a notification area with dismissible alerts.
SQL page review.
Here you can find the latest stable release Firebird 2.5.5 for supported Ubuntu releases:15.10 (Wily), 15.04 (Vivid), 14.04 (Trusty), 12.04 (Precise)
Follow the Firebird 2.5.x guide for usage and installation.
Firebird 2.5.5 packages are uploaded to Debian unstable (Sid) repository
Philippe Makowski contributed Firebird 2.5.5 packages for : Centos, Mageia and Fedora
OMRON Corporation announced on November 19 that it will release the Database Connection CPU Units with support for Firebird SQL.
Firebird 3.0 Release Candidate 1 Package is uploaded into Firebird 3.0 ppa from Debian Experimental package.
For more info about this version , please consult Firebird 3.0 RC1 release page.
There are packages for Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty) and Ubuntu 15.10 (Wily).
Firebird 3.0 Release Candidate Package is uploaded into Debian Experimental.
Please send feedback to Debian Firebird Group.
For more info about this version , please consult Firebird 3.0 RC1 release page.
Node 5.1.0 has been released. Here is the list of changes.
There is a github mirror where you can send pull requests for flamerobin
git clone